Friday, April 26, 2024

Can I Get Hiv From Oral

Is There A Connection Between Hiv And Other Sexually Transmitted Infections

HIV | How Do You Get HIV? |

Yes. Having a sexually transmitted disease can increase the risk of getting or spreading HIV.

If you are HIV-negative but have an STD, you are at least 2 to 5 times as likely to get HIV if you have unprotected sex with someone who has HIV. There are two ways that having an STD can increase the likelihood of getting HIV. If the STD causes irritation of the skin , breaks or sores may make it easier for HIV to enter the body during sexual contact. Even STDs that cause no breaks or open sores can increase your risk by causing inflammation that increases the number of cells that can serve as targets for HIV.

If you are HIV-positive and also infected with another STD, you are 3 to 5 times as likely as other HIV-infected people to spread HIV through sexual contact. This appears to happen because there is an increased concentration of HIV in the semen and genital fluids of HIV-positive people who also are infected with another STD.

CDC recommends sexually active gay and bisexual men test for:

  • HIV.
  • Syphilis.
  • Hepatitis B and C.
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea of the rectum if youve had receptive anal sex, or been a bottom in the past year.
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea of the penis if you have had insertive anal or oral sex in the past year.
  • Gonorrhea of the throat if youve performed oral sex in the past year.

Sometimes your health care provider may suggest a herpes test.

Performing Oral Sex On A Man With Hiv

Theres a potential risk if an HIV negative person performs oral sex on a man with HIV who has a detectable viral load.

This risk increases if a mans infected pre-cum or semen gets into the other persons mouth.

Avoid getting semen in your mouth all but one of the cases where someone has been infected with HIV through oral sex took place when an HIV positive person with a detectable viral load ejaculated into their mouth.

Can I Get Hiv From Food

Except for rare cases in which children consumed food that was pre-chewed by an HIV-infected caregiver, HIV has not been spread through food. The virus does not live long outside the body. You cannot get it from consuming food handled by an HIV-infected person even if the food contained small amounts of HIV-infected blood or semen, exposure to the air, heat from cooking, and stomach acid would destroy the virus.

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Very Rare Ways Hiv Is Spread:

  • Oral sexputting the mouth on the penis , vagina , or anus . In general, theres little to no risk of getting HIV from oral sex. But transmission of HIV, though extremely rare, is theoretically possible if an HIV-positive man ejaculates in his partners mouth during oral sex. To learn more about how to lower your risk, see CDCs Oral Sex and HIV Risk.
  • Receiving blood transfusions, blood products, or organ/tissue transplants that are contaminated with HIV. This was more common in the early years of HIV, but now the risk is extremely small because of rigorous testing of the US blood supply and donated organs and tissues.
  • Eating food that has been pre-chewed by an HIV-infected person. The contamination occurs when infected blood from a caregivers mouth mixes with food while chewing. The only known cases are among infants.
  • Being bitten by a person with HIV. Each of the very small number of documented cases has involved severe trauma with extensive tissue damage and the presence of blood. There is no risk of transmission if the skin is not broken.
  • Contact between broken skin, wounds, or mucous membranes and HIV-infected blood or blood-contaminated body fluids.
  • Deep, open-mouth kissing if both partners have sores or bleeding gums and blood from the HIV-positive partner gets into the bloodstream of the HIV-negative partner. HIV is not spread through saliva.

For more information about HIV transmission, visit CDCs HIV Transmission.

Whats The Risk For Types Of Oral Sex

You can

Oral sex ranks very low on the list of ways HIV can be transmitted. Its more likely to transmit HIV through anal or vaginal sex. Its also possible to transmit the virus by sharing needles or syringes used for injecting drugs or tattooing.

However, the risk of contracting HIV through oral sex is not zero. The truth is, you can in theory still contract HIV this way. Theres just been from years of research to show that it has happened.

Why is it hard to get data?

Its difficult to know the absolute risk of transmitting HIV during oral sex acts. Thats because many sex partners who engage in oral sex of any type also engage in vaginal or anal sex. It may be difficult to know where the transmission occurred.

Fellatio carries some risk, but its low.

  • If youre giving a blowjob. Receptive oral sex with a male partner who has HIV is considered exceptionally low-risk. In fact, a 2002 study found that the risk for HIV transmission through receptive oral sex was statistically zero.
  • If youre receiving a blowjob. Insertive oral sex is an unlikely method of transmission, too. Enzymes in the saliva neutralize many viral particles. This may be true even if the saliva contains blood.

There are no documented cases of HIV being transmitted between partners through cunnilingus .

Anilingus , or rimming, has some risk, but it is negligible. Its especially low for receptive partners. In fact, the lifetime risk of transmitting HIV during rimming is

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What Is The Risk From Oral Sex

Results from the PARTNER study show that if someone with HIV is taking effective HIV medication and has an undetectable viral load, they cannot pass on HIV.

According to Public Health England, around 1-3% of sexual HIV transmissions in the UK are because of oral sex. Other studies found that the risk is very low but is not zero.

Unprotected anal and vaginal sex leads to far more HIV infections than oral sex.

The risks are higher if the person giving oral sex has:

  • cuts, sores or abrasions in their mouth or gums
  • a sore throat or infection in the mouth or throat.

Or if the person receiving oral sex is:

  • HIV positive

Can Someone Get Hiv Through Oral Sex

If a person who is infected with HIV gives a partner oral sex, can the partner become infected with HIV? Dan

Yes. Although rare, it is possible to transmit HIV through giving and receiving oral sex.

When someone with HIV gives oral sex, the virus can go from small cuts or sores in the mouth into the uninfected persons body through the urethra , vagina, or anus. When someone with HIV receives oral sex, the virus can enter the other persons body when semen or vaginal fluids get into the mouth.

If either partner also has another STD , it increases the chance of HIV infection even more.

Placing a protective barrier between the mouth and genitals can lower the chances of HIV infection both when giving and receiving oral sex. Guys should always wear a latex condom . Girls should put a dental dam or plastic food wrapping as a barrier over the genitals.

Date reviewed: January 2015

*Names have been changed to protect user privacy.

Note: All information on KidsHealth is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.

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If I Get Infected Fluid From An Hiv

No, HIV is not always passed on from someone living with HIV. There are lots of reasons why this is the case. For example, if the HIV-positive person is on effective treatment it will reduce the amount of HIV in their body. If a doctor confirms that the virus has reached undetectable levels it means there is no risk of passing it on.

If youre concerned that youve been exposed to HIV you may be eligible to take post-exposure prophylaxis , which stops the virus from becoming an infection. However its not available everywhere and has to be taken within 72 hours of possible exposure to be effective.

Its really important to take a HIV test every time you think you have been at risk of HIV.

What About Other Stis

FAQ’s Around HIV and AIDs

So HIV isn’t a high risk when you’re giving/getting head, but that doesn’t mean you’re protected from any other STIs.

You can get syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia from blowjobs, as well as other types of inflammation caused by bacteria in the mouth. So while you’re relatively safe from HIV, if you’re having oral sex with multiple partners you should be getting tested for STIs at least once every three months.

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How Is Hiv Passed From One Person To Another

HIV is spread mainly by having sex or sharing injection drug equipment such as needles with someone who has HIV.

Only certain fluidsblood, semen , pre-seminal fluid , rectal fluids, vaginal fluids, and breast milkfrom an HIV-infected person can transmit HIV. These fluids must come in contact with a mucous membrane or damaged tissue or be directly injected into the bloodstream for transmission to possibly occur. Mucous membranes can be found inside the rectum, the vagina, the opening of the penis, and the mouth.

In the Australia, HIV is spread mainly by

  • Having sex with someone who has HIV. In general:
  • Anal sex is the highest-risk sexual behavior. Receptive anal sex is riskier than insertive anal sex .
  • Vaginal sex is the second highest-risk sexual behavior.
  • Having multiple sex partners or having other sexually transmitted infections can increase the risk of infection through sex.
  • Sharing needles, syringes, rinse water, or other equipment used to prepare injection drugs with someone who has HIV.
  • Less commonly, HIV may be spread by

    When Is The Risk Greater

    These risk factors can increase the chances for transmission of HIV:

    • Status: Risk varies based on whether the person with HIV is giving or receiving oral sex. If the person with HIV is receiving oral sex, the person giving it may have a higher risk. Mouths may have more openings in the skin or lesions. Saliva, on the other hand, is not a carrier of the virus.
    • Viral load: The risk of contracting HIV is higher if the person with HIV has a high viral load. Higher viral loads increase infectivity.
    • Ejaculation: During oral sex, ejaculation may increase risk for sharing the virus, but ejaculation alone isnt the only possible way of contracting HIV.
    • Cuts or sores: Openings in the mouth, vagina, anus, or on the penis are possible routes for HIV. These may be cuts or lesions from another infection or condition. For example, HIV-related infections like candidiasis can cause sores that compromise the integrity of the tissue in the mouth. Any break in the skin puts a person at risk for transmitting or contracting the virus.
    • Menstruation: HIV-bearing cells do shed from the cervix during menstruation. Coming into contact with menstrual blood with the mouth may increase contraction risk.
    • Urethritis: This condition causes inflammation and irritation in the urethra. It may increase the chances of HIV contraction, too. People with HIV are likely to shed the virus when they have this condition.

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    Can I Transmit Hiv To My Baby During Pregnancy Or Breastfeeding

    An HIV-infected pregnant woman can pass the virus on to her unborn baby either before or during birth. HIV can also be passed on during breastfeeding. If a woman knows that she is infected with HIV, there are drugs she can take to greatly reduce the chances of her child becoming infected. Other ways to lower the risk include choosing to have a caesarean section delivery and not breastfeeding.

    How Do You Give Oral

    Can you contract hiv from oral sex. Causes of HIV ...

    Performing oral sex on your partners anus can be part of any sexual relationship, whether gay, bisexual or straight.

    If you are concerned about hygiene, ask your partner to wash first. You could also bathe together as part of foreplay.

    Before you begin, your partner may like it if you gently kiss and touch the area around the anus including the perineum . You can then focus on the anus, circling your tongue around the outer area and finally inserting your tongue. Remember to listen to your partner and do what they enjoy, whether thats licking, sucking or gently probing.

    If you are giving oral sex to a woman, dont move from the anus to the vagina as this can transfer bacteria and cause infection.

    Can I get HIV and STIs from oral sex?

    The risk of HIV transmission from oral sex is very low unless the person receiving oral sex has an STI or sores on their genital area, or the person giving oral sex has sores in their mouth or bleeding gums. If the person living with HIV is on medication and has undetectable levels of HIV then there is no risk of passing the virus on.

    However, other STIs can easily be passed on during oral sex, in particular herpes, gonorrhoea and syphilis. Certain infections and viruses that are found in faeces can be passed on through oralanal sex, this includes hepatitis A and E.coli.

    Knowing you have taken precautions to keep you and your partner safe can help make you more relaxed during oral sex. There are simple ways to protect you both:

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    Estimating Risk By Exposure Type

    The likelihood of transmitting HIV through oral sex depends largely on the type of contact involved. Putting aside all other risk factors, the potential for infection can vary based on whether the non-infected person is either performing or receiving oral sex.

    Broadly speaking, the risk of HIV from oral sex can run anywhere from 0% to 1%, according to research from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

    However, numbers can change once you factor in specific sexual behaviors. Among them:

    • Receptive fellatio, meaning that the non-infected person is performing oral sex on a male partner with HIV, is considered exceptionally low risk. Among men who have sex with men , the per-act risk hovers at around 0.04 percent.
    • Insertive fellatio is even less likely given that the enzymes in saliva can neutralize the HIV viral particles.
    • Cunnilingus has also proven to be a highly unlikely route.
    • Anilingus is also regarded as being of negligible risk, particularly for the receptive partner.

    While these figures suggest that the risk of HIV is low from a population perspective, that shouldn’t imply that it is inherently low from an individual perspective. Clearly, the more risk factors you have, the greater the risk of transmission will be.

    Honesty Is The Best Policy

    The best way to protect yourself or your partner during oral sex is to keep it 100. Be clear about your HIV status, and ask your partner to be clear about theirs.

    If youre not sure about your status, get tested. In fact, its best for both you and your partner to get STI tests on the reg.

    PSA on dental hygiene: Make it a priority. Taking care of your teeth and gums could prevent bleeding gums, mouth sores, or other issues that increase your risk of getting HIV during oral sex.

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    Can I Get Hiv From Someone Who Is Living With Hiv But Has Undetectable Viral Load

    Recent studies show that people who are HIV positive, on treatment with non detectable viral load are not able to transmit HIV. That said its important to understand that there is still a potential risk as viral loads can change over time.

    Viral load refers to the amount of HIV in the blood. An undetectable viral load is when the amount of HIV in the blood is so low that it cant be measured. Antiretroviral therapy reduces viral load, ideally to an undetectable level, when taken consistently and correctly. A person with HIV can still potentially transmit HIV to a partner even if they have an undetectable viral load, because

    • HIV may still be found in genital fluids . The viral load test only measures virus in blood.
    • A persons viral load may go up between tests. When this happens, they may be more likely to transmit HIV to partners.
    • Sexually transmitted diseases increase viral load in genital fluids.

    How Can You Prevent Getting Or Transmitting Hiv Through Sex

    can you get hiv from kissing ?

    There are several ways to prevent getting or transmitting HIV through anal or vaginal sex.

    If you are HIV-negative, you can use HIV prevention medicine known as pre-exposure prophylaxis or post-exposure prophylaxis to protect yourself. You can also use other HIV prevention methods, below.

    If you have HIV, the most important thing you can do to prevent transmission and stay healthy is to take your HIV medicine , every day, exactly as prescribed. People living with HIV who take HIV medicine daily as prescribed and get and keep an undetectable viral load have effectively no risk of sexually transmitting HIV to their HIV-negative partners. Read more about Treatment as Prevention. There also are other options to choose from, below.

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    Can I Become Infected With Hiv If I Inject Drugs And Share The Needles With Someone Else Without Sterilizing The Needles

    We strongly recommend that you use new equipment every time you inject. You can get new equipment from Counterpoint Needle & Syringe Program at Regional HIV/AIDS Connection.

    There is a possibility of becoming infected with HIV if you share injecting equipment with someone who has the virus. If HIV infected blood remains inside the needle or in the syringe and someone else then uses it to inject themselves, that blood can be flushed into the bloodstream. Sharing needles, syringes, spoons, filters or water can pass on the virus. Disinfecting equipment between uses can reduce the likelihood of transmission, but does not eliminate it.

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