Thursday, September 19, 2024

Broward County Aids Hiv Statistics

Local Data: Broward County Fl

Clinical Trial May Have Found The Cure For HIV

In 2019, there were 19,821 people living with HIV in Broward County.In 2019, 594 people were newly diagnosed with HIV.

Number of people living with HIV, 2019 19,821

Rate of people living with HIV per 100,000 population, 2019 1,195

Percent of people living with HIV, by Sex, 2019

Percent of people living with HIV, by Race/Ethnicity, 2019

Percent of people living with HIV, by Age, 2019

Rate of people living with HIV per 100,000 population, by Geography, 2019

Number of new HIV diagnoses, 2019 594

Rate of new HIV diagnoses per 100,000 population, 2019 36

Percent of people newly diagnosed with HIV, by Sex, 2019

Percent of people newly diagnosed with HIV, by Race/Ethnicity, 2019

Percent of people newly diagnosed with HIV, by Age, 2019

Number of New HIV Diagnoses, 2008-2019

Rate of people newly diagnosed with HIV per 100,000 population, by Geography, 2019

Number of PrEP users, 2021 8,198

Rate of PrEP users per 100,000 population, 2021 497

Percent of PrEP users, by Sex, 2021

Percent of PrEP users, by Age, 2021

Number of PrEP Users, 2012-2021

Second Annual Knocking Down Hiv/aids Statistics In Broward County

Second annual Knocking Down HIV/AIDS statistics in Broward County

CEO Mikelange Olbel signs community service hours sheet for volunteers.

Team Saving Our Youth hosted its Second annual Knocking Down HIV/AIDS in Broward County and was a major success. The event was held on July 12, 2014 from 11 am to 2 pm at the Mid-Town Commerce Center in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Team had over 60 young adults between the ages of 14-22 in attendance, and parents also showed up in large numbers to become more educated about HIV/AIDS in Broward County. Team SOY gave free book bags, school supplies, gift cards, and even gave away a free laptop at this event. Strong community involvement was proven true when some young adults showed up early to help setup for the event and were able to receive community services hours for school or legal requirements.

This educational event also included free lunch for the attendees. Team SOY really presented a great opportunity for community members to come together and learn how we can make better decisions in our future, specifically starting with the youth in our community.

Team is a 501 3 nonprofit youth development agency providing educational, prevention, and early intervention services aimed at cultivating/strengthening families in South Florida. Team SOY is dedicated to ensuring that youth and previous juvenile offenders have access to innovative, quality programs and services that will transition and transform their lives to shape their future.

National Youth Hiv/aids Awareness Day April 10

  • BCPS observes April 10th, as National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day (NYHAAD to recognize the impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on young people. According to the Center for Disease Control, in the U.S., an estimated 22% of people diagnosed with HIV in 2014 were aged 13-24 years. Despite the disproportionate number of new HIV infections occurring among youth, the percentage tested for HIV is low compared to other age groups. Only 1 in 5 sexually experienced U.S. high school students has ever been tested for HIV.

    Our schools can play a critical role in promoting the health and safety of young people by teaching the dangers of unhealthy behaviors and the skills of a healthy lifestyle. To find out how you can help, go to the Center for Disease Controls webpage or to Advocates for Youth, the lead for planning the observance day. Go to the NYHAAD site to access an observance toolkit, ideas, graphics and other resources to help engage youth.

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Our Commitment At Equality Florida:

We are committed to combating the rate of HIV transmissions in the state of Florida, which continues to be one of the leading states on HIV transmissions. Since the beginning of the HIV epidemic in the early 1980s, we have witnessed how HIV has disproportionately impacted the LGBTQ community. The fact that HIV has almost completely disappeared from mass media does not mean the fight is over. In fact, since 2013, HIV started sliding down the international agenda, overtaken by other issues and losing important public funding. Yet, now more than ever, it is essential that we take collective action to end HIV by the year 2030 and not lose momentum.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , there are 1.2 million people living with HIV in the United States, and approximately 37,832 people were diagnosed with HIV in 2018 alone. While the annual number of new diagnoses fell by 19% between 2010 and 2018, progress has been uneven. For example, gay and bisexual men made up an estimated 2% of the U.S. population in 2018 but 69% of all new disgnosis in the United States.If current diagnosis rates continue, 1 in 6 gay and bisexual men will be diagnosed with HIV in their lifetime – more specifically, 1 in 4 Latino gay and bisexual men and 1 in 2 Black gay and bisexual men will contract HIV in their lifetimes if we are unable to curb the current rates of transmission.

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South Florida

The sheer number of people they can get on PrEP were not having that kind of success, Winheim said.

Education programs aimed at Black, Hispanic and gay men are considered critical to curb the spread of the disease. Almost 60 percent of the Florida infections diagnosed in 2019 were of gay men, according to Florida Department of Health data. Black and Hispanic people made up 74 percent of Floridas new infections.

Winheim said its tough changing the behavior of people who are already dealing with destabilizing issues like poverty, substandard housing and homelessness. Her group works in both Hillsborough and Pinellas to help at-risk individuals stabilize their lives so they are better able to care for their own health. It recently opened a new sexual health center just north of St. Petersburgs Childs Park neighborhood in the next few weeks where people can get help with housing and other social services and also get tested for HIV.

The more people that know their status, she said, the better chance we have to reduce the number of people who are becoming infected.

Metro Inclusive Health is one of the nonprofits groups charged with educating communities that have a higher risk of contracting HIV.

You have to really get into those communities that are getting impacted, said Bailey.

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Duval County Rates Among Highest In State

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. New data just released from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show Florida now leads the nation in the number of new HIV cases. The CDC says that number for 2019 stood at nearly 4,400.

The same report shows the Sunshine State has 23.7 cases overall per 100,000 people. Thats compared to 13.2 for all of the U.S.

Dr. Mohammed Reza, the medical director for CAN Community Healths Jacksonville clinic, said while HIV numbers are always a concern, the reality is theyve been declining for several years in Florida. But more work needs to be done.

Theres a huge stigma attached, Reza said. The fact that this is a virus that can infect anybody — man, woman — thats the reality.

Reza said Duval Countys HIV rates are concerning as well.

In Duval County, were the fourth-highest rate, Reza said. Were looking at about 29.2 per 100,000 people tested that are coming back positive for HIV.

Also troubling, he said, theres an alarming disparity in the number of cases involving minorities.

People that are white, its about 9.6 out of 100,000, Reza said. Whereas, if youre African American, its a whopping 58.3 per 100,000. Weve seen this across the country and across Florida.

Reza said its the same concept as womens daily birth control.

In the end, regular testing will make all the difference.

Copyright 2021 by WJXT News4Jax – All rights reserved.

Local Data: Fort Lauderdale

In 2020, there were 19,592 people living with HIV in Fort Lauderdale .In 2020, 452 people were newly diagnosed with HIV.

Number of people living with HIV, 2020 19,592

Rate of people living with HIV per 100,000 population, 2020 1,329

Percent of people living with HIV, by Sex, 2020

Percent of people living with HIV, by Race/Ethnicity, 2020

Percent of people living with HIV, by Age, 2020

Rate of people living with HIV per 100,000 population, by Geography, 2020

Number of new HIV diagnoses, 2020 452

Rate of new HIV diagnoses per 100,000 population, 2020 31

Percent of people newly diagnosed with HIV, by Sex, 2020

Percent of people newly diagnosed with HIV, by Race/Ethnicity, 2020

Percent of people newly diagnosed with HIV, by Age, 2020

Number of New HIV Diagnoses, 2016-2020

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, data from 2020 should be interpreted with caution Rate of people newly diagnosed with HIV per 100,000 population, by Geography, 2020

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Hiv And Aids Quarterly Notes And News

Current HIV infection data by year of report reflects and case meeting the CDC definition of ‘HIV Infection’ which includes all newly reported HIV cases and newly reported AIDS cases with no previous report of HIV in Florida. If a case is later identified as being previously diagnosed and reported from another state, the case will no longer be reflected as a Florida case and the data will be adjusted accordingly. Data from the most recent calendar year are considered provisional and therefore should not be used to confirm or rule out an increase in newly reported cases in Florida. The final year-end numbers are generated in July of the following year, after duplicate cases are removed from the dataset, as is customary of HIV surveillance in the US.

Florida Department Of Health In Broward County

YSF: Free STD Testing at New Broward Wellness Center

The Florida Department of Health in Broward County has implemented a multimedia social marketing campaign to increase the knowledge and understanding of Broward County Residents about HIV/AIDS, promote the importance of knowing their status and eliminate disparity in HIV testing and HIV diagnosis through addressing stigma. Broward is Greater than AIDS encompasses eight campaigns which include the following:

The campaign uses art to reduce stigma about HIV.
“Physician Ambassadors” campaign promotes HIV testing as part of routine health care.
“HIVLets Live Free” campaign was developed and designed by Broward County High School students to promote HIV awareness and prevention.

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Florida Leads The Nation In New Hiv Cases

Florida leads the U.S. in the number of new HIV cases and has the nations third highest infection rate, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data.

The state reported almost 4,400 new HIV infections in 2019, the most recent data available for the federal agencys HIV surveillance report. Floridas infection rate averages out to 23.7 cases per 100,000 people, trailing only the District of Columbia and Georgia. Florida is also well above the national average rate of 13.

Hillsborough and Pinellas counties have been listed by the federal government as among 48 areas of concern in the nationbased on infection rates. Hillsborough reported 266 cases in 2019 and another 184 people in Pinellas were diagnosed with the virus.

Despite the increase, Floridas 2019 caseload is still below 4,700 infections it recorded in 2016. But Tampa Bay groups that work with AIDS patients remain concerned that people are putting themselves at risk because of a lack of awareness that theyre infected and could potentially transmit it and the availability of antiretroviral medications allows those who have HIV to lead relatively normal lives.

There is also concern that Florida is failing to persuade enough people to use PrEP, or pre-exposure prophylaxis, a daily medication targeted at high risk individuals that significantly reduces the risk of catching HIV.

Hiv Prevalence Rate Ratios By Race/ethnicity 2020

The rate of Black males living with an HIV diagnosis is 1.8 times that of White males.

The rate of Hispanic/Latino males living with an HIV diagnosis is 1.1 times that of White males.

The rate of Black females living with an HIV diagnosis is 16.6 times that of White females.

The rate of Hispanic/Latina females living with an HIV diagnosis is 2.3 times that of White females.

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Guess Which State Leads The Nation In New Hiv Cases

Hint: Its perfect timing for the EPIC Sexual Health Center to open in the Tampa Bay area.

Florida reported that nearly 4,400 people tested positive for HIV in 2019, more new diagnoses than any other state, according to the Tampa Bay Times. The figure is based on the most recent HIV data available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .

In terms of infection ratesthe average number of people diagnosed with HIV in 2019 for every 100,000 residentsFlorida was third in the nation, with 23.7 HIV cases per 100,000 people. The Sunshine State followed Washington, DC, which had the highest rate in the nation at 42.2 HIV cases per 100,000 residents, and Georgia, with 27.6. The national average was 13.2, according to the CDCs HIV Surveillance Report for 2019.

Although the number of new HIV diagnoses in Florida was high, the 2019 total was 300 fewer than the 4,700 cases recorded in 2016. HIV advocates are concerned that the number of HIV transmissions continues to climb while fewer people are getting tested because of COVID-19 shutdowns.

The federal initiative Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for Americalists 48 counties in the nation plus Washington, DC, and San Juan, Puerto Rico, that together account for 50% of new HIV cases, with the goal of targeting resources to those areas. The following seven counties in Florida are on the list:

  • Broward County
  • Palm Beach County
  • Pinellas County.

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CDCS National HIV Surveillance System is the primary source for monitoring HIV trends in the United States. CDC funds and assists state and local health departments to collect the information. Health departments report de-identified data to CDC so that information from around the country can be analyzed to determine who is being affected and why.

Surveillance is the ongoing, systematic collection, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of data regarding a health-related event. HIV surveillance collects, analyzes, and disseminates information about new and existing cases of HIV infection . The ultimate surveillance goal is a nationwide system that combines information on HIV infection, disease progression, and behaviors and characteristics of people at high risk. By meeting this goal, CDC can direct HIV prevention funding to where it is needed the most. AtlasPlus was created to provide an interactive platform for accessing data collected by CDCs National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention . This interactive tool provides CDC an effective way to disseminate data, while allowing users to observe trends and patterns by creating detailed reports, maps, and other graphics.

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