Friday, September 20, 2024

Housing Assistance For People With Hiv

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Atlanta approves housing assistance for HIV positive residents

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Housing For People Living With Hiv/aids

For more than 25 years, CAMBA has provided emergency and transitional housing for people living with HIV/AIDS and their families. We also help individuals who are chronically homeless, living with a serious mental illness, substance abuse disorder, or a combination of these challenges. Our goal is to prepare them to live independently by providing transitional housing and supportive services to ensure that they access and maintain connections to primary medical care in preparation for permanent housing. Our housing models include units scattered throughout the community and in a congregate setting.

CAMBA has a strong relationship with New York Citys HIV/AIDS Services Administration and its three Brooklyn-based centers and has a deep understanding of HASAs benefits and housing placement process. Through HASA support, rent and utility costs are covered, we supply 24/7 security and building management for congregate facilities and provide specialized supportive services to HIV+ housing clients. For further information on these programs, please call 718.462.8654

Housing Assistance

Permanent Supportive Housing

Transitional Housing Programs

Our Programs

Eligibility For Hopwa Housing

Each program has different standards, but below is a general list of qualifications to receive HOPWA funding in Houston. You must have each of the following:

  • Meet the standard of low income meaning income/resources must be below 80% of the area median income for supportive services and below 50% AMI for community residences and tenant-based rental assistance
  • Have HIV positive diagnosis
  • Live in the Houston area. This includes Houston, the Woodlands, Sugarland, Baytown, Conroe. The counties of Austin, Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, Waller.

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Hopwa Programs Support Eligible People From Housing Insecurity

Care Resources Housing Case Management Services Department offers assistance for Short-Term Rent, Mortgage, and Utility assistance in addition to Permanent Housing Placement for those living with HIV and AIDS. These programs are integral components of the Housing Opportunities for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS program. Administered by the Department of Community Affairs, HOPWA enables eligible people living with HIV/AIDS and their families to secure safe and sanitary housing in the private rental market.

Clients are connected with a team of dedicated housing case managers who cite years of addressing the needs of South Floridas most vulnerable populations. Managers can further connect clients to wraparound services depending on their specific needs. These services include Comprehensive Needs Assessments and Comprehensive Action Plans to identify client needs and focus on their personal objectives, referrals to treatment for substance use disorder through strategic community partnerships, care coordination and referral for supportive services, and follow up and monitoring of the clients well-being and stable housing status.

Other Boston Area Programs

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Commonwealth Land Trust reserves 15% of their supportive housing for people living with HIV/AIDS. For more information about their properties and access to their application, visit their website .

JRIsAssisted Living Program provides case management and access to 435 of the states affordable housing vouchers that are reserved for people living with HIV/AIDS. To be eligible for this program, applicants must be current homeless or at risk of homelessness. Additionally, JRI manages two subsidized supportive housing programs Huntington at Symphony in Boston and River Street Community in Mattapan. These programs share an application, so it is convenient to apply to multiple programs.

Victory Programs operates several supportive housing programs in the Boston area. For a list of programs and program contacts, see Victory Programs.

In addition to programs funded though HOPWA, individuals living with HIV/AIDS may also access supportive and other affordable housing services through programs that serve individuals with disabilities, including programs funded under HUD Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities.

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Rental And Utility Assistance

The Rental Assistance Programs deliver short-term emergency assistance to the households of HIV-positive people who face eviction or unaffordable housing, need assistance with move in costs , and high utility bills or shutoff. While RAP programs assist individuals in emergency situations, they are designed to create long-term, sustainable and improved living situations. RAP is comprised of the Homelessness Prevention Program , the Rental Start-Up Program , and the Utility Assistance Program . HPP, RSP, and UAP are available to low-income applicants who either are HIV positive or live in a household with an HIV positive member live in Massachusetts and complete applications with a case manager at a collaborating agency.

How Hiv Housing Services Can Help

Contact a Vivent Health housing specialist today to learn how we can help you secure the housing you need. All discussions are free and confidential. We provide the following services:

Financial Assistance is available to help with monthly rent, utility and security deposit costs based on eligibility.

Housing Information & Referral helps overcome barriers to obtaining permanent housing.

Vivent Health housing programs are integrated into our HIV Medical Home, helping people living with HIV get the care and treatment services they need without facing homelessness. Our goal is to help you secure stable housing, quality health care and the supporting services you need.

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Houston Sro Housing Corporation

You received the following HOPWA services at this Houston SRO apartment:

  • Supportive services for homeless veterans
  • Community residence for individuals and couples

You can learn more about HOPWA services offered by calling them at 713.526.9470 or visit their location at 2211 Norfolk, Suite 740, Houston, TX 77098.

Servicios De Apoyo A La Vivienda

Affordable housing project helps those with HIV/AIDS

Nuestro programa de Servicios de Apoyo a la Vivienda aborda las necesidades de las personas que viven con VIH / SIDA que enfrentan la falta de una vivienda o la amenaza de la falta de vivienda, o que pueden necesitar asistencia para mantener o retener la vivienda en que se encuentra actualmente.

Los especialistas en este programa de apoyo a la vivienda ayudarán a los clientes adquirir, financiar y mantener un hogar asequible y apropiado. Nuestros servicios incluyen ayudar a los clientes a solicitar asistencia de viviendas, mudarse a la vivienda, y educar a los clientes sobre los derechos y responsabilidades de los inquilinos. Además, proporcionar referencias para servicios de vivienda de apoyo adicionales y actuar como un enlace continuo entre los clientes, los propietarios y los administradores de casos. Oportunidades de vivienda adicionales pueden estar disponibles para las personas que califican, como Emergencia, Transición, Vida Sobria, Subsidiada y Sección 8.

Los especialistas de nuestro programa ahora están brindando su asistencia directamente en persona. Si no tiene un especialista en vivienda asignado, llame a la línea telefónica del Servicios de apoyo a la Vivienda al y deje su nombre y número de teléfono para que algún representante le pueda regresar su llamada. La línea de Servicios de Apoyo a la Vivienda diariamente está siendo revisada.

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Program Guidelines And Information

The goal of the program is to assist individuals and families with HIV/AIDS by helping them to stabilize their lives, overcome problems, and promote living with dignity.

DHCD’s Division of Public Housing and Rental Assistance, which administers this program, has the responsibility for regulatory and administrative oversight of all state and federally-aided rental assistance programs which address the needs of low-income families, the elderly and persons with disabilities.

How it works:

Persons accepted into the program receive a Section 8/HCVP Voucher and supportive services.

A lead service agency, JRI Health, provides intake, assessment, housing search and provides the critical linkages to other service providing agencies throughout the Commonwealth.

Supportive services may include

  • assistance finding a suitable apartment
  • case management
  • help arranging respite care, day care and transportation.

Who is eligible:

Very low-income persons living with HIV/AIDS who are also Section 8/HCVP eligible.

Application process:

All applicants must be referred to DHCD by the JRI Health staff.


Up to 219 TBRA subsidies are distributed by DHCD throughout the Commonwealth.

For more information:

Special Considerations For Women

Finding the right housing for women living with HIV can have its own set of challenges. Many women living with HIV do not earn enough money to afford a decent place to live because they are taking care of children, spouses, and other family members. Women may find that they qualify for housing, while their loved ones especially male partners and teenage sons do not.

It can be helpful to look beyond HIV-related housing for women and families. There may be housing and shelter options available for women who have experienced intimate partner violence, for pregnant women, for women coming out of jail, and for women needing substance abuse treatment. Talk to your case manager or housing advocate about the people you are caring for and your housing needs in order to find the best program for you.

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Are People With Hiv Eligible For Other Hud Programs

In addition to the HOPWA program, people living with HIV are eligible for any HUD program for which they might otherwise qualify . Programs include public housing, the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program, housing opportunities supported by Community Development Block Grants, the HOME Investment Partnerships Program, and the Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Program.

Find Housing Assistance: If you are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless, or know someone who is, help is available. Use HUDs Resource Locator to find housing assistance programs near you.

A Home Sustains Health

Help for People Living with HIV in Hanoi

As for Dexter Komakaru in Columbus, steady housing has given this once unstable young person an exciting new lease on life. He made a mural for KYC and is now looking for an artist he can apprentice under to learn more tools of the trade, choosing that over the more debt-laden higher-education route. Hes also doing national-level activism, such as for the National Trans Youth Council.

And being able to come home to his own space has definitely helped my health overall, he says. Living on my own has shown me that chosen family is really importantthat there are people out there who will respect me a million times more than my blood family.

Tim Murphy

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Aids Action Committee Programs

Our Residential Programs offer an array of permanent supportive housing programs, providing subsidies and supportive services to families and individuals living with HIV who are exiting homelessness. Our programs include project-based rental assistance and tenant-based rental assistance. All households are offered intensive case management services and housing stabilization support. Clients are referred through different sources, depending on the program, including the Coordinated Access systems in Cambridge and Boston, and by applying directly to AAC.

For a list of programs and contacts with specific eligibility requirements, see the Residential Cover Sheet.

For access to the program application, see Program Application.

To apply to participating programs through the Cambridge Coordinated Access Network , individuals must first complete an intake/assessment on site. For more information about walk-in and mobile assessments, visit their website .

Please note that applicants must have tested positive for HIV and provide homelessness verification to be eligible.

Housing Options For Hiv+ People

Finding safe, affordable housing when you are HIV+ can be very challenging. But help is available through numerous housing assistance programs. A housing search advocate can explain the different options and help you with applications.

Look for a housing agency or AIDS service organization in your area and give them a call. Ask for the “housing search advocate” or “someone to help me look for housing.” Make sure that you keep in touch with your advocate and if you move, give them your new address or phone number.

Different housing programs are available in different places. Check to see which of the following housing programs are available in your community:

Sometimes people are discriminated against when they are looking for housing because of things like race, sexual orientation, physical disability , or source of income. If you think this is the case, let your housing advocate know and ask about assistance from a legal advocate.

Information in this article comes from the AIDS Housing Corporation booklet, “How to Get a Place Called Home.” To learn more, go the AHC website at or check the “links” section of the AIDS Housing of Washington website at

Rachel Moorhead is the Training and Publications Coordinator for AIDS Housing of Washington in Seattle.

Rachel Moorehead

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What Kind Of Services Can Hopwa Provide

Tenant-Based Rental Assistance TBRA is a rental subsidy used to help households obtain or maintain permanent affordable housing by paying the difference between the contractual rent to the owner and the household’s calculated rent payment.

Permanent Housing Placement PHP is assistance used to help households establish a permanent residence in which continued occupancy is expected. Eligible costs include application fees, related credit checks, utility hookup fees and deposits, and reasonable security deposits necessary to move persons into permanent housing .

Short-Term Rent, Mortgage, and Utility assistance STRMU provides short-term, rent, mortgage, and utility payments for households experiencing a financial crisis as a result of their HIV health condition or a change in their economic circumstances. STRMU is designed to prevent households from becoming homeless by helping them remain in their own dwellings.

Support ServicesAssistance including, but not limited to, housing counseling, resource identification services, nutritional services, transportation assistance, and assistance in gaining access to mainstream resources.

Houston Volunteer Lawyers Program

How to get HOPWA Emergency Housing – Ryan White Program Housing

Houston Volunteer Lawyers offer the following legal assistance in Houston:

  • Legal advice on housing, family law, public benefits, disability, employment, and discrimination

For more information on legal assistance contact 713.228.0735 extension 121, visit the Houston Volunteer Lawyers website or their address at 1111 Bagby, Suite FLB 300, Houston, TX 77002.

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Minnesota Hiv Housing Coalition

The Minnesota HIV Housing Coalition works to improve accessibility and expand housing options for people living with HIV through advocacy, education, and use of best practices. The Coalition was founded over 20 years ago, and is comprised of HIV housing and service providers, advocates, community members and representatives of government agencies.

Anyone interested in the Coalition is welcome to join! Monthly meetings are usually held the 3rd Thursday of most months from 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. For additional information and/or to join the coalition, contact .

Documents & Reports

Florida Department Of Health In Volusia County Housing Opportunities For People With Aids

  • Bin 111

    Daytona Beach, FL 32120

More than one million Americans are living with HIV/AIDS. Stable housing allows people living with HIV/AIDS to access comprehensive healthcare and stay on top of complex HIV/AIDS drug therapies.

However, throughout many communities, people living with HIV/AIDS risk losing their housing due to compounding factors. These include increased medical costs and limited incomes or the person may be unable to keep working because of related illnesses.

The Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS program assists people living with HIV/AIDS by providing temporary housing assistance.

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What Federal Housing Assistance Programs Are Available For People With Hiv

To help take care of the housing needs of low-income people living with HIV and their families, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Developments Office of HIV/AIDS Housing manages the Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS program. The HOPWA program is the only Federal program dedicated to addressing the housing needs of people living with HIV. Under the HOPWA Program, HUD makes grants to local communities, States, and nonprofit organizations for projects that benefit low-income people living with HIV and their families.

Many local HOPWA programs and projects provide short-term and long-term rental assistance, operate community residences, or provide other supportive housing facilities that have been created to address the needs of people with HIV.

Find a HOPWA Grantee or Local Program: Search HIV.govs HIV Services Locator to search for housing assistance near you.

Association Of The Advancement Of Mexican Americans Amma

Pin on HIV/AIDS Education

AMMA is another HOPWA program that focuses on the Hispanic community in Houston. Services offered by this nonprofit are:

  • MAP-HOPWA which stands for Minorities Action Program HOPWA. This program can potentially help those with HIV with rent and utility assistance.
  • The HIV Early Intervention program offers case management for individuals with a history of substance abuse how are also diagnosed with HIV/AIDS.
  • HIV, Hepatitis, and TB testing is also offered by AMMA. Those needing additional resources will be referred to outside agencies.
  • Project Tejas offers substance abuse treatment both inpatient and outpatient

For more information about HOPWA services, you can call 713.967.6700, visit the AMMA website or their main office at 6001 Gulf Fwy, Houston, TX 77023.

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