Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Protect Myself From Hiv

Sex With A Partner That Is Hiv+

Protecting Yourself and Your Partners from HIV

Condoms should be used during all sex acts, whether it be oral, anal or vaginal intercourse. Condoms uses correctly and consistently form very good protection against infection with HIV and most other sexually transmitted diseases.

When using condoms, check the expiration date. Condoms kept in a cool and dark place can be used for 4 years after the manufacturing date. Never use oils, creams or Vaseline for extra lubrication when using condoms. Use a water or silicon based lubricant such as KY-Jelly or other brand.

There has been no evidence of spread of HIV infection through saliva. Kissing, including tongue/deep kissing is safe. However, if there are bleeding gum irritations in the mouth deep kissing should be avoided.

How Can I Keep From Getting Hiv

The best way to protect yourself is to avoid activities that put you at risk. Thereâs no way to tell by looking at someone if he or she has HIV. Always protect yourself. Use latex condoms whenever you have any type of sex .

  • Donât use condoms made from animal products.
  • Use water-based lubricants .
  • Never share needles to take drugs.
  • Avoid getting drunk or high. Intoxicated people might be less likely to protect themselves.
  • Consider getting testedit is really important to be aware of your HIV status.

If you are a healthcare worker, you are at a slightly higher risk of getting HIV from a needle-stick injury, skin contact with contaminated fluid or from human bites. You should follow universal precautions:

  • Always wear protective equipment when dealing with blood and body fluids.
  • Follow careful hand-washing guidelines when dealing with such fluids.
  • Follow safe handling guidelines for needles and sharp instruments.
  • Be aware of post-exposure policies at your workplace.

If you are in a relationship with a partner who has HIV, or you are at high risk for any other reason, consider using pre-exposure prophylaxis, commonly called PrEP. This means taking one of two medicines every day, emtricitabine-tenofovir or emtricitabine-tenofovir alafen .

If you are a person with HIV who is in a relationship with a person who is HIV-negative, you should also be on a medication regimen.

How Do I Use External And Internal Condoms

Most external condoms are made of latex. For people who are allergic to latex, polyurethane condoms can be used instead. If youve ever experienced irritation from latex, ask your doctor to test you for a latex allergy. When used properly, both latex and polyurethane condoms are effective ways of significantly reducing the risk of HIV transmission.

When using either latex or polyurethane condoms for vaginal or anal sex, water-based lubricants on the outside of the condom will help to reduce friction that could cause the condom to tear. If desired, a small amount can be placed inside the tip of the condom as well.

Important Notes: The use of oil-based lubricants such as Vaseline can deteriorate latex condoms and significantly increase their chance of breaking. Oil-based lubricants should only be used with polyurethane condoms. It is also worth noting that Lambskin condoms will not protect against HIV or STIs.

When Using an External Condom:

  • Keep it fresh! Always store condoms in a cool dry place and check the expiration date.
  • Check it! Squeeze the package gently to make sure there are no punctures and be sure not to use your teeth to open the package. Your teeth could rip the condom!
  • Heads Up! Unroll the condom a little before putting it on and make sure its able to roll easily down the penis. Squeeze the tip and roll the condom from the tip of the penis all the way to the base. If uncircumcised, pull the foreskin back before putting the condom on.
  • For Vaginal Sex:

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    Consumer Health: Preventing Hiv/aids Know How To Keep Yourself And Others Safe

    World AIDS Day will be observed Wednesday, Dec. 1, which makes this a good time to learn more about preventing this chronic, potentially life-threatening condition.

    More than 32 million people have died worldwide from AIDS and 38 million people are living with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    If left untreated, HIV infection typically develops into AIDS in eight to 10 years. By damaging your immune system, HIV interferes with your body’s ability to fight infection and disease.

    When AIDS occurs, your immune system has been severely damaged. You’ll be more likely to develop opportunistic infections or opportunistic cancers diseases that wouldn’t usually cause illness in a person with a healthy immune system.

    HIV can spread through sexual contact or blood, or from mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth or breast-feeding. To become infected with HIV, infected blood, semen or vaginal secretions must enter your body.

    HIV is not spread through air, water or insect bites. You can’t become infected with HIV through ordinary contact, such as hugging, kissing, dancing or shaking hands with someone who is infected.

    Anyone of any age, race, sex or sexual orientation can be infected with HIV/AIDS. However, you’re at greatest risk of HIV/AIDS if you:

    There’s no vaccine to prevent HIV infection and no cure for AIDS. But you can protect yourself and others from infection.

    To help prevent the spread of HIV:

    When Someone You Know Has Hiv


    When someone in your family tests positive for HIV, you may feel a range of emotions. Among fear, confusion, regret and love for the person afflicted, you may also feel afraid for your own personal well-being and may have questions about just how contagious HIV may be. Rest assured that people with HIV can live at home and maintain a normal social life. Since the virus is not spread by casual household contact, family members, roommates, and visitors are not at risk of becoming infected.

    The following information is provided to clarify what should and should not be done in living with someone with HIV. You will see that most of it is just good hygiene practices.

    Hand washing is an effective way to prevent the spread of any germs. Wash hands with soap and water before preparing food, before eating, and after using the toilet. This is to protect both the infected and uninfected family members remember that a person living with HIV may have a weak immune system and therefore may be more likely to catch any type of infection from another person. They, too, are vulnerable.

    Personal Articles such as toothbrushes, razors and razor blades should not be shared among household members. These may become soiled with blood and could spread germs that may cause many illnesses.

    Wash dishes in hot soapy water. No special precautions are necessary. There is no need to wash separately the dishes used by the infected person.

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    Hiv Testing Singapore: Should Straight Men Get Tested For Hiv

    HIV is the name of a virus that can lead to AIDS, which stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS is what happens when your immune system is too weak to fight off infections and illnesses. A person with HIV infection may not have symptoms for years or even decades.

    Right now, very early in the disease, you are more likely to transmit it to someone else if you have unprotected sex with many partners. HIV testing in Singapore could just be what you need if you have been exposed to a risky HIV situation and you wish to protect your partner from this disease by knowing your status and what to do next. If you get tested before any symptoms show up on their own, however, there are drugs that can help keep the virus from getting stronger inside your body.

    Should I Get Vaccines If I Have Hiv/aids

    Check with your healthcare provider. Certain vaccines are generally recommended, including:

    • Influenza vaccine.
    • Pneumonia vaccine.
    • Tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis vaccine, with a repeat every 10 years of the tetanus/diphtheria vaccine.

    You should probably avoid live vaccines, such as the ones for chickenpox and measles, mumps and rubella . This is true especially if your CD4 numbers are 200 or lower. Make sure you discuss vaccine questions with your healthcare provider.

    HIV can affect how well the vaccine works. It can also make your viral load increase for a time because your immune system is stimulated by the vaccine.

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    How To Prevent Hiv Infection And Aids

    HIV infection is a long-term viral infection. HIVkills white blood cells that help to control the bodys defense system and fightinfection. HIV spreads through semen, blood, breast milk, rectal fluid, andvaginal fluid. HIV is commonly spread through sexual contact and sharingneedles or syringes, because these behaviors involve exchanging bodily fluids.Without treatment, HIV can turn into AIDS , which is an advanced stage of HIVinfection. AIDS is a very serious illness and can be life-threatening.

    Should Straight Men Also Get Tested For Hiv

    Protect Yourself from HIV PSA

    There are many reasons why people might not want to get tested, but the most common ones are that theyâre attracted to both men and women or because their sexual history isnât entirely clear. Straight men in groups 1, or 2 should make sure they get tested.

    If you are a socially active gay man who has unprotected anal sex with multiple partners, getting an HIV test is really necessary. But if you happen to be straight but have lots of sexual partners in various situations, thatâs another story altogether.

    You require protection when it matters â because where your life matters more than what you do personally. Really, it is never a bad idea to get tested, and straight men really shouldnât be ashamed of, or stigmatized by testing for HIV, regardless of their sexual orientation.

    Itâs also important for straight men living with HIV to take their condition seriously since they can live healthy and productive lives if they do so. Getting HIV testing in Singapore, and knowing your status is the first step in staying healthy.

    You may want to have a few tests done at different times so that you can find out what you are dealing with. If the tests keep coming back negative, thatâs great! You are safe from HIV infection.

    More importantly, the CDC recommends all sexually-active persons between 13 and 64 undergo yearly HIV testsâregardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, or lack thereof. The reasoning is twofold:

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    How Will I Know If I Get Hiv

    The only way you can know that you have the HIV virus is by getting tested. Although you may experience symptoms, there is no way of knowing that you have HIV unless you get tested. In fact, some people who have HIV go for years without experiencing any symptoms. So if you have had unprotected sex and you think that maybe you could be a risk, go get tested even if you are not experiencing any symptoms.

    An HIV diagnosis can be done using:

    • Antibody screening test

    This test is also referred to as the ELISA test and it is used to check for a specific HIV-Ab in the body.

    Usually, your doctor will take a small sample of your blood for testing. Some ELISA tests check fluids or urine, but a blood test provides more accurate results. It is possible to get a negative result even when you are actually positive when you take a fluid or urine test. This is because the antibodies in fluids are few.

    • Antibody/Antigen combination test

    The antibody/antigen combination test can detect the HIV virus 20 days after infection. With the antibody screening test, you would have to wait about 8 weeks to get tested if you want to get accurate results.

    This test checks for an HIV antigen called core p24 antigen, which is a protein that is found in the virus. This protein shows up 3 weeks after you become infected. The test also checks for the HIV antibodies much like the antibody screening test.

    • RNA Test
    • Home Test Kits

    Protect Yourself From Hiv With Prep

    Protecting yourself from HIV , is a big part of taking pride in yourself and your health. While theres currently no vaccine to protect against HIV, if youre HIV-negative there are steps you can take to help protect yourself. One pill, taken every single day can lower your risk of getting HIV by up to 99 percent.

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    How Are Hiv And Aids Treated

    Medicines can help people with HIV stay healthy. They can also prevent HIV from becoming AIDS. People with HIV and AIDS usually need to take a few different medicines. The medicines must be taken exactly as prescribed or they wonât work.

    These medicines:

    • help keep the number of CD4 cells high
    • lower the viral load of HIV

    Regular blood tests will check to see how well the medicines are working.

    Are You Sexually Active Here Are 4 Things You Must Know About Hiv/aids

    HIV?AIDS Education Revised

    There are a few vital things every sexually active person needs to know about HIV. This information will help you protect your partner, or stay HIV negative:

    • Anyone can contract HIV no one is immune to the disease, and no group is more at risk than another
    • Its possible to have sex with an HIV positive person and not contract HIV if you use protection more on that below
    • HIV positive people can have fulfilling, satisfying sex lives without jeopardising the health of their partners, but they need to be considerate and consistent in their use of protection
    • You need to know your status at all times so you can protect others and yourself

    Also Check: Can You Get Hiv From Dried Blood

    Is There A Safe Way To Share Needles

    Needle SafetyThe only way to completely avoid potential transmission of blood-borne illnesses when injecting drugs is by not sharing needles. If people do share needles, cleaning the needles and works properly with bleach and water before and after each person uses them will help reduce the risk.

    How Do I Clean My Used Needles?

    The most effective way to sterilize used syringes is the 3x3x3 method:

  • Fill your syringe with water, shake it, and push out the water. Do it three times.
  • Fill your syringe with bleach, shake it, and push out the bleach. Do it three times.
  • Fill your syringe again with clean water, shake it, and push out the water. Do it three times.
  • If bleach isnt available, you can use soap and clean water, or even just water to clean your works. ANY steps you take to clean syringes before use will reduce your risk of HIV and hepatitis C transmission.

    Where can I get clean needles/syringes?Prior to September 2006 the only way to acquire clean needles in Massachusetts was via a prescription or through a needle exchange programs. As a result of the Pharmacy Access Bill, it is now legal for pharmacies to sell medical syringes over the counter without a prescription. Anyone 18 or older can purchase clean needles at many pharmacies in Massachusetts. They are relatively inexpensive. Although pharmacies are allowed to sell syringes, they are not required to do so. A phone call to the pharmacy in advance can save a trip to the drug store.

    Get Tested At Marie Stopes And Take Control Of Your Sexual Health

    Knowing your status is your first line of defence in the fight against HIV infection and transmission. Then, its up to you to insist on condom use every time you have sex. You have a responsibility to protect your partner from HIV and to keep yourself safe and healthy too. You, just like everyone else, is at equal risk for HIV, so take no chances. Use a condom every time you have sex, or better yet, abstain until youre both tested.

    Find your nearest Marie Stopes centre, then make an appointment online to come in for HIV screening and counselling.

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    Get Tested For Hiv Regularly

    If youre currently HIV negative, its important to be tested for any change in your status. If a test shows youve contracted the virus, your risk of spreading it to someone else is greatest in the acute phase, or the first two to four weeks after being infected. During that period, the viral load spikes, increasing the likelihood youll transmit the virus. Although some people experience flu-like symptoms in the acute phase, many are not aware that they are infected because they dont feel sick at all or might not feel sick until later, according to the CDC.

    I Am Hiv Positive How Can I Prevent Passing Hiv To Others

    HIV: How to Protect Yourself and Others

    Take HIV medicines daily. Treatment with HIV medicines helps people with HIV live longer, healthier lives. ART can’t cure HIV, but it can reduce the amount of HIV in the body . One of the main goals of ART is to reduce a person’s viral load to an undetectable level. An undetectable viral load means that the level of HIV in the blood is too low to be detected by a viral load test. People with HIV who maintain an undetectable viral load have effectively no risk of transmitting HIV to an HIV-negative partner through sex.

    Here are some other steps you can take to prevent HIV transmission:

    • Use condoms correctly every time you have sex.
    • Talk to your partner about taking PrEP.
    • If you inject drugs, don’t share your needles, syringes, or other drug equipment with your partner.

    Also Check: What Is The Average Life Expectancy Of Hiv Patients

    Treatment For Stis When Protection Fails

    It is always best to prevent STIs by practicing safer sex. But sometimes these methods fail. Condoms can break, or clients can refuse to use them.

    STIs that are not treated quickly can lead to serious illness and even death.

    Get early treatment

    If you think you have been exposed to an STI, early treatment can prevent the infection from getting worse. STIs that are not treated quickly can lead to serious illness and even death.

    If possible, have regular exams for STIs. If you are having signs of an STI discharge or bleeding from your vagina, pain or sores on your genitals, or pain in your lower bellysee a health worker trained to treat STIs as soon as possible. Even if you have no signs of infection, go to a health center or clinic at least once a month for treatment if you have unsafe sex often. If you use condoms every time you have sex, you may need to visit a health center less often.

    Health Center

    Since you probably do not know what STIs you have been exposed to, you should be treated for as many as possible. Different antibiotics can treat different STIs, so you may need to take several medicines at once. Remember, no medicine can cure HIV. See the chapter on Sexually Transmitted Infections and Other Infections of the Genitals for information about how to treat STIs.

    Testing for HIV


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