Can Diet Help Ease Side Effects And Symptoms
Many symptoms of HIV, as well as the side effects caused by HIV medicines, can be helped by using certain types of foods and drinks.
Below are some tips for dealing with common problems people with HIV face. You should also look in the side effects section for more information.
- Try the BRAT Diet .
- Try some ginger–in tea, ginger ale, or ginger snaps .
- Don’t drink liquids at the same time you eat your meals.
- Eat something small, like crackers, before getting out of bed.
- Keep something in your stomach eat a small snack every 1-2 hours.
- Avoid foods like:
- Avoid hard or crunchy foods such as raw vegetables.
- Try eating cooked vegetables and soft fruits .
- Avoid very hot foods and beverages. Cold and room temperature foods will be more comfortable to your mouth.
- Do not eat spicy foods. They can sting your mouth.
- Try soft foods like mashed potatoes, yogurt, oatmeal, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, and canned fruits.
- Rinse your mouth with water. This can moisten your mouth, remove bits of food, and make food taste better to you.
- Stay away from oranges, grapefruit, and tomatoes. They have a lot of acid and can sting your mouth.
- Try the BRAT Diet .
- Keep your body hydrated with water or other fluids .
- Limit sodas and other sugary drinks.
- Avoid greasy and spicy foods.
- Avoid milk and other dairy products.
- Eat small meals and snacks every 1-2 hours.
How Long Does It Take To Show Symptoms Of Hiv
Some people notice flu-like symptoms 1-4 weeks after they’re first infected. They often only last a week or two. This stage is called acute or primary HIV infection.
Then, you may go for 10 years or more without further symptoms. This is called asymptomatic HIV infection. Even though you feel fine, the virus is still active in your body. And you can still give it to someone else.
Once HIV has seriously harmed your immune system, you’re at risk for diseases that a healthy body could fight off. In this stage, symptomatic HIV infection, you start to notice problems caused by those “opportunistic” infections.
If You’re Feeling Depressed
It’s normal to feel as though you’re not coping at times, to stop enjoying being with friends and family, or to feel sad or have trouble sleeping.
But if these feelings last a long time or you continue to feel overwhelmed by them, you may have depression.
Get help as soon as possible as you may need treatment.
Your HIV clinic, local mental health services or GP can all help you.
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Can Hiv Be Prevented Or Avoided
The best way to prevent HIV is to not have sex with a person who has HIV, or share a needle with a person who has HIV. However, there is also a medicine called PrEP that people can take before coming into contact with HIV that can prevent them from getting an HIV infection.
PrEP stands for pre-exposure prophylaxis. It is for people who are at long-term risk of getting HIV either through sexual activity or by injecting drugs. If youre taking PrEP and come into contact with HIV, the medicine makes it difficult for HIV to develop inside your body.
Other ways to prevent HIV include:
- When you have sex, practice safer sex by using a condom. The best condom is a male latex condom. A female condom is not as effective but does offer some protection.
- Do not share needles and syringes.
- Never let someone elses blood, semen, urine, vaginal fluid, or feces get into your anus, vagina, or mouth.
Avoid Excessive Alcohol Or Drug Use
If you are living with HIV, there are specific risks associated with alcohol and recreational drug use that you should be aware of. Alcohol can damage the liver which the body uses to process anti-HIV drugs, so it is good to keep your alcohol consumption within the recommended limits. Heavy drinking and taking recreational drugs can also weaken your immune system, making it harder for your body to recover from infections.
Certain anti-HIV drugs can interact with recreational drugs and alcohol to cause unwanted side effects, some of which can be severe. For example, you could feel dizzy or pass out, making you potentially vulnerable. If you are worried about drug interactions, have an honest conversation with a healthcare professional and they will be able to advise you. You should also be aware that being under the influence of alcohol or other drugs may stop you taking your HIV medication properly, for example, you may forget to take a dose or too much alcohol may make you vomit. If you are sick within one hour of taking your HIV medication you should retake the dose.
If youre concerned about your alcohol or drug use, talk to a healthcare professional for advice and support.
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Discuss Risk Factors And Testing For Kidney Disease With Your Hiv Provider
- Average score: 3.63
- Percentage voting 5: 25%
- Percentage voting 4 or 5: 54%
Almost one third of HIV-positive people have abnormal kidney function the risk is higher in blacks. Severely damaged kidneys may make dialysis necessary and raise the risk of death.
Experts in HIV-related kidney problems recommend that everyone be tested for existing kidney disease after they test positive for HIV and regularly thereafter, depending on their risk of kidney disease.
Kidney disease risk factors include black race, a CD4 count under 200, a viral load above 4000 copies, diabetes, hypertension, and hepatitis C virus infection. Certain HIV medications can cause or contribute to poor kidney function.
Stage : Acute Hiv Infection
Within 2 to 4 weeks after infection with HIV, about two-thirds of people will have a flu-like illness. This is the bodys natural response to HIV infection.
Flu-like symptoms can include:
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Mouth ulcers
These symptoms can last anywhere from a few days to several weeks. But some people do not have any symptoms at all during this early stage of HIV.
Dont assume you have HIV just because you have any of these symptomsthey can be similar to those caused by other illnesses. But if you think you may have been exposed to HIV, get an HIV test.
Heres what to do:
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When Someone You Know Has Hiv
When someone in your family tests positive for HIV, you may feel a range of emotions. Among fear, confusion, regret and love for the person afflicted, you may also feel afraid for your own personal well-being and may have questions about just how contagious HIV may be. Rest assured that people with HIV can live at home and maintain a normal social life. Since the virus is not spread by casual household contact, family members, roommates, and visitors are not at risk of becoming infected.
The following information is provided to clarify what should and should not be done in living with someone with HIV. You will see that most of it is just good hygiene practices.
Hand washing is an effective way to prevent the spread of any germs. Wash hands with soap and water before preparing food, before eating, and after using the toilet. This is to protect both the infected and uninfected family members remember that a person living with HIV may have a weak immune system and therefore may be more likely to catch any type of infection from another person. They, too, are vulnerable.
Personal Articles such as toothbrushes, razors and razor blades should not be shared among household members. These may become soiled with blood and could spread germs that may cause many illnesses.
Wash dishes in hot soapy water. No special precautions are necessary. There is no need to wash separately the dishes used by the infected person.
Telling People You’re Hiv Positive
Talking about what you’re going through can help, but think carefully about who you tell about your diagnosis.
Work out why you want to tell them and think of the potential consequences .
If you decide to tell them, work out how you will answer any questions they might ask, such as “How did you get it?”
Find out more about telling people you’re HIV positive in the living with HIV section.
If your family or partner would like support to help them cope with your diagnosis, they can also contact HIV organisations.
You might also want to meet other people with HIV. Finding out how other people have coped with a positive diagnosis, and hearing about their experiences of living with HIV, can be helpful for some people.
There are support groups for people who have recently found out they’re HIV positive. Your HIV clinic, a GP or a helpline can let you know what’s available in your area.
There are also support groups for specific people, such as young people, women, gay people, people from Africa and people who are HIV negative and have a partner who is HIV positive.
The website has videos and articles about people’s experiences of living with HIV, including getting an HIV diagnosis.
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With Your Hiv Provider’s Help Decide When To Start Therapy With Antiretrovirals
- Average score: 4.83
- Percentage voting 5: 88%
- Percentage voting 4 or 5: 96%
HIV treatment experts in the United States recommend that the following groups of HIV-positive people should start therapy with antiretrovirals : anyone with a CD4 count under 500, anyone with an AIDS disease, anyone with HIV-associated kidney disease, anyone with hepatitis B virus infection that needs treatment, and all pregnant women regardless of CD4 count, to avoid passing HIV to the fetus or newborn. Half of this expert panel believes everyone with HIV infection should start antiretroviral therapy, regardless of CD4 count.
Where Can You Get Tested For Hiv
You can get an HIV test at many places:
- Your health care providers office
- Health clinics or community health centers
- STD or sexual health clinics
- Your local health department
- Substance abuse prevention or treatment programs
Many pharmacies and some community-based organizations also offer HIV testing.
HIV testing is covered by health insurance without a co-pay, as required by the Affordable Care Act. If you do not have health insurance, some testing sites may offer free tests.
These places can connect you to HIV care and treatment if you test positive or can discuss the best HIV prevention options for you if you test negative.
You can also buy a home testing kit at a pharmacy or online.
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Talk To Your Hiv Provider About Appropriate Testing For Cancer Some Cancers
- Average score: 3.61
- Percentage voting 5: 17%
- Percentage voting 4 or 5: 65%
Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. Earlier detection of cancer can make it easier to manage.
HIV-positive people have a higher risk of certain cancers — including non-AIDS cancers — than people in the general population., Certain viruses that commonly afflict people with HIV — including human papillomavirus and hepatitis viruses — can cause or raise the risk of cancer . Quitting smoking is critical to preventing several types of cancer .
Help I Got Semen In My Eye What Do I Do Shaun Barcavage Np Explains The Research And Risk For Hiv Gonorrhea And Chlamydia Transmission Through The Eye By Shaun Barcavage Np September 7 2016 5minute Read Maybe Things Got A Little Out Of Hand Last Night You Didnt Think Much Of It When It Happenedbut Now Youre Worried About That Shot You Took To The Face You Got Cum In Your Eye And Are Wondering About What Chance You Have Of Getting Hiv Or Another Sexually Transmitted Infection From Someone Elses Semen Its Actually A Question Ive Gotten From Clients Before At Magnet The Sexual Health Clinic Of San Francisco Aids Foundation So You Should Know Youre Not Alone Heres What You Need To Know
Wash your eyes and face
Im guessing you already did this. But if notclean up! Semenlike other things that dont belong in our eyescan cause irritation. Flush your eyes with some lukewarm water. Take out your contacts carefully, if you wear them, and dont put them back in unless your eyes look and feel normal. Make sure you cleanse the contact lenses with disinfecting solution before you put them back in.
Dont fret about HIV!
The chance youre going to become infected with HIV from semen is really, really low. Theoretically, it is possible for someone to get infected with HIV through mucous membranesincluding their eye. But in reality, it just doesnt happen.
Since the 1990s, possible HIV transmissions through the ocular membrane have been suspected in several occupational exposures such as lab researchers and nurses. However, there isnt a single case of a person getting infected with HIV published in a reputable medical journal because they got semen from an HIV-positive person in their eye.
Do you need sexual health servicessuch as an HIV test, STI testing or treatment? Are you interested in learning more about the HIV-prevention strategy PrEP? Strut provides free sexual health care for gay, bisexual and transgender men who have sex with men in the San Francisco Bay Area. Learn more about Strut.
HIV transmission through the eye what we know from research
What about chlamydia and gonorrhea?
Symptoms and treatment of ocular gonorrhea
The take-away
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Recognizing The Symptoms Of An Hiv Rash
Protect Others From Becoming Hiv
Because you’re HIV-positive, you can give the virus to others, even if you don’t feel sick. This can happen through unprotected sex or by sharing needles. You can protect others by using condoms and clean needles. By doing this, you can also protect yourself from other strains of HIV. Also, don’t donate blood.
If you are a woman, you can spread HIV to your baby during pregnancy, birth, or breastfeeding. Ask your doctor what you can do to protect your child. Proper treatment has nearly wiped out the spread of infection to newborns in the U.S.
Uninfected sexual partners can take a daily pill called PrEP for extra protection against HIV.
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Take All Your Hiv Medications Regularly Exactly As Instructed
- Average score: 4.28
- Percentage voting 5: 56%
- Percentage voting 4 or 5: 76%
As with any medicine, it’s important to take your HIV medications regularly, as your HIV provider instructs. Taking your antiretrovirals regularly is critical to the success of your treatment., Missing too many doses can make HIV resistant to your antiretrovirals. If your antiretrovirals are causing side effects, don’t stop taking them or skip doses. Tell your provider about the side effects immediately.
Don’t panic if you miss a dose or two. You and your provider can plan ahead for what to do if you miss a dose. If you don’t have a plan and you realize you missed a dose, call your provider to discuss what to do.
If you often have trouble remembering to take your HIV medications, your provider can help you plan reminders that will improve your pill taking.
How Can You Prevent Getting Or Transmitting Hiv Through Sex
There are several ways to prevent getting or transmitting HIV through anal or vaginal sex.
If you are HIV-negative, you can use HIV prevention medicine known as pre-exposure prophylaxis or post-exposure prophylaxis to protect yourself. You can also use other HIV prevention methods, below.
If you have HIV, the most important thing you can do to prevent transmission and stay healthy is to take your HIV medicine , every day, exactly as prescribed. People living with HIV who take HIV medicine daily as prescribed and get and keep an undetectable viral load have effectively no risk of sexually transmitting HIV to their HIV-negative partners. Read more about Treatment as Prevention. There also are other options to choose from, below.
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