Tuesday, September 10, 2024

How Many People Die Of Hiv

Since 2017 Public Health England Has Published Data On Trans People Accessing Hiv Care And Those Newly Diagnosed With Hiv

An Ongoing Health Crisis: Dying of AIDS in 2017


  • The majority of trans people accessing HIV care are trans women. In 2019, 111 trans women, 31 trans men and 7 gender diverse people were accessing HIV care in England.
  • Trans people aged 35-49 are the largest group in terms of age.
  • The majority of trans people accessing HIV care are white , with 47 trans people of other or mixed ethnicity making up the second largest group.
  • Nearly all of the trans people accessing HIV care in 2019 acquired HIV through sex between men.

Men Who Have Sex With Men

Men who have sex with men account for 70% of all new HIV infections in the United States despite only accounting for 2% of the population. According to the 2019 CDC report, around 53% of HIV-associated deaths were are among gay and bisexual men.

Homophobia and stigmatization play a central role in this disparity, discouraging many MSM from seeking HIV testing, treatment, and care. These factors alone translate to a higher death rate.

According to a 2011 study in the American Journal of Public Health, MSM with HIV are 160 times more likely to die from HIV-related complications than men who exclusively engage in vaginal sex.

Only 53% Of Children Infected With Hiv Have Access To Treatment

Compared to 67% of adults who had access to treatment. In other words, HIV statistics suggest that about 850,000 infected children are not getting the treatment that could potentially save their lives. In addition to that, over half of the children are from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, and South Africa.

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Rate Of New Infections

According to UNAIDS, around 38 million people are living with HIV around the world. in 2020, approximately 1.7 million were newly diagnosed.

These remain sobering figures, in part because infection rates are not declining at the pace needed to end the pandemic. While the rate of new infections dropped by around 23% between 2010 and 2019, a number of “hotspots” around the globe experienced an increase.

In Russia and parts of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, the rate of new infections has increased due in part to the lack of access to HIV-specific care and treatment. Also, unlike in the United States and Europe, injecting drug use is one of the primary causes of infection.

Meanwhile, in countries like South Africa, which accounts for 7.5 million of the world’s HIV cases, over 200,000 new infections were reported in 2019 despite significant declines in the previous decade.

There are several reasons for this. Infection rates remain among women 15 to 24 in many African countries due to gender inequality, poverty, rape, and other factors. HIV testing among younger Africans is also lower, translating to higher rates of HIV-related deaths.

With declining economic support from richer nations , public health experts worry that infection and death rates may once again take an upswing in many developing countries.

To Prevent And To Heal

30 years later, Minn. doctor still opening doors in fight against AIDS ...

The message from public health officials is clear: If you test positive for HIV, get into treatment right away. Taking antiretroviral medicines every day can bring HIV levels in a persons body so low as to be almost undetectable, which drastically reduces the chances of passing the virus to someone else.

At the same time, lower HIV levels drastically reduce the chances that youll die of HIV/AIDS complications. Untreated HIV weakens the immune system, leaving a person more susceptible to other infections and cancer. The virus also keeps the body in a state of chronic inflammation, which increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and dementia.

Getting into treatment as soon as possible is key to preventing HIV from wreaking havoc on the body. Federal funds are available for those who cant afford medication. But still not everyone gets tested soon enough, obtains the medication and/or manages to take it daily.

The more pills skipped, the more patients run the risk that their virus levels will spike. In rare cases, they may even become resistant to the antiretroviral medication.

Treatment is great for those who can access it early and take it every day, theres no question about it, said Dr. Steven Deeks, professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. But a lot of people just cannot get the drugs, or when they do, they cant take them for a variety of reasons.

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Number Of Deaths Due To Hiv/aids

Situation and trends:680 000 people died of HIV-related illnesses worldwide in 2020. Expanded access to antiretroviral therapy and a declining incidence of HIV infections have led to a steep fall globally in the number of adults and children dying from HIV-related causes. The estimated 680 000 people dying from HIV globally in 2020 were 64% fewer than in 2004 and 47% fewer than in 2010 in spite of a period of substantial population growth in many high burden countries.Nevertheless, there is no room for complacency. Countries need to live up to their commitment to end the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat by 2030 — a target included in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015.The drop in HIV-related mortality is especially evident in the regions with the greatest burden of HIV infection, including the WHO African Region, home to over 67% of people dying from HIV-related causes in 2020. An estimated 460 000 people died in the African Region from HIV-related causes in 2020, which indicates that mortality has dropped by almost 48% since 2010.

Hiv Statistics By State In The Us

In the United States, diagnoses are highest in Florida and California.

The table below is given as a reference to understand better where HIV diagnoses are most common in the United States. In regions like these, local governments and NGOs must take the necessary action to help reduce the number of infections. Yearly deaths are also more common in these regions, due to the higher HIV transmission rates.


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Deaths From Tb And Hiv Co

The fall in deaths from TB and HIV co-infection from 570,000 in 2010 to 214,000 ten years later is a testament to improved case finding, more accurate tests, preventative therapy and better treatment completion rates. But now many HIV researchers are seeing more people dying who were thought to have TB, but their tests for TB are negative. Some of these people have an undiagnosed fungal disease.

Often, the diagnosis of TB in HIV patients is elusive, with fewer and non-distinct lung shadows and no phlegm to test. A new urine test for TB with greater sensitivity will soon be available, which should allow more accurate TB diagnosis in the very patients in whom disseminated histoplasmosis is also most common.

Overall, the three most common potentially fatal fungal infections far outnumber TB cases in HIV patients, especially when some TB cases are not TB at all. The general lack of rapid diagnosis of these three infections contributes to the death toll from Aids, and well over half of these deaths are avoidable.

Nearly All Deaths Were Preventable

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Devastatingly, the authors conclude that nearly all deaths were due to causes for which effective interventions are widely available in Kenya.

It is likely that most of the children who died as a result of uncontrolled HIV were either not diagnosed or not receiving ART, highlighting the urgent need to improve access to testing and treatment for children with HIV in this region. Early identification and care of malnourished children with HIV could also help to dramatically reduce deaths.

Finally, the authors recommend that pneumonia treatment guidelines in Kenya be reviewed to include greater emphasis on treating viral pneumonia, especially in children with HIV.

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% Of New Hiv Infections Worldwide Were Among Key Populations

Key populations include sex workers, men who have sex with other men, people who inject drugs, transgender people, and their partners. Furthermore, HIV/AIDS facts state that in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa, key populations and their sexual partners made up 97% of all new HIV infections.

Gay And Bisexual Men Make 69% Of New Hiv Cases In The Us

Center for Disease Control HIV statisticsreveals that 24% of new HIV-positive individuals were infected through heterosexual sex, while 7% got the virus through injection drug use. One of the most common misconceptions is that only gay people can get HIV. In fact, anyone who has intercourse without a condom or shares needles can become infected with HIV.

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In 2019 It Was Estimated That There Are 105200 People Living With Hiv In The Uk

  • 94% of these people are diagnosed, and therefore know that they have HIV. This means that around 1 in 16 people living with HIV in the UK do not know that they have the virus.
  • 98% of people diagnosed with HIV in the UK are on treatment, and 97% of those on treatment are virally suppressed which means they cant pass the virus on. Of all the people living with HIV in the UK, 89% are virally suppressed.

History: A Canadian Perspective

Charlie Sheen says he has " undetectable HIV."  Here

1981: Doctors in the U.S. begin reporting abnormally high rates of rare forms of pneumonia and cancer in young, gay men. At first, the disease is called Gay-Related Immune Deficiency . By the end of the year, similar diseases are reported in injection drug users.

1982: The disease is renamed Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and it is realized that the infection can be sexually transmitted. Cases are reported in hemophiliacs and blood transfusion recipients. The first cases of AIDS are reported in Africa and Canada reports its first case of AIDS in March of this year.

1983: It was discovered that women can become infected with AIDS through heterosexual sex meanwhile the World Health Organization begins global surveillance of AIDS. Cases of AIDS are reported in multiple countries worldwide. Canada forms a national task force on AIDS. Le Comité sida aide Montréal is formed from a working group called ARMS that is funded by the Quebec Government with a triple mandate of prevention, advocacy, and care.

1984: The AIDS Committee of Toronto initiates the first AIDS Awareness Week.

1985: The Canadian Red Cross begins testing all blood products for HIV and the first Canadian Conference on AIDS is held in Montreal.

1999: The WHO announces that HIV/AIDS has become the fourth largest killer worldwide. It is discovered that a single dose of nevirapine is effective in reducing mother-to-child transmission during pregnancy.

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Facts About Hiv: Life Expectancy And Long


The outlook for people living with HIV has significantly improved over the past two decades. Many people who are HIV-positive can now live much longer, healthier lives when regularly taking antiretroviral treatment.

Kaiser Permanente researchers found that the life expectancy for people living with HIV and receiving treatment increased significantly from 1996 on. Since that year, new antiretroviral drugs have been developed and added to the existing antiretroviral therapy. This has resulted in a highly effective HIV treatment regimen.

In 1996, the total life expectancy for a 20-year-old person with HIV was 39 years. In 2011, the total life expectancy bumped up to about 70 years.

The survival rate for HIV-positive people has also dramatically improved since the first days of the HIV epidemic. For example,

, a person with undetectable levels of HIV in their blood isnt able to transmit the virus to a partner during sex.

Between 2010 and 2014, the annual number of new HIV infections in the United States fell by

The Aids Epidemic Arises

Though HIV arrived in the United States around 1970, it didnt come to the publics attention until the early 1980s.

In 1981, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a report about five previously healthy homosexual men becoming infected with Pneumocystis pneumonia, which is caused by the normally harmless fungus Pneumocystis jirovecii. This type of pneumonia, the CDC noted, almost never affects people with uncompromised immune systems.

The following year, The New York Times published an alarming article about the new immune system disorder, which, by that time, had affected 335 people, killing 136 of them. Because the disease appeared to affect mostly homosexual men, officials initially called it gay-related immune deficiency, or GRID.

Though the CDC discovered all major routes of the diseases transmissionas well as that female partners of AIDS-positive men could be infectedin 1983, the public considered AIDS a gay disease. It was even called the gay plague for many years after.

In September of 1982, the CDC used the term AIDS to describe the disease for the first time. By the end of the year, AIDS cases were also reported in a number of European countries.

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Hiv In Canadasurveillance Report 2019

Nisrine Haddad1, Ashley Weeks1, Anita Robert1, Stephanie Totten1

1 Centre for Communicable Diseases and Infection Control, Public Health Agency of Canada, Ottawa, ON

Haddad N, Weeks A, Robert A, Totten S. HIV in Canadasurveillance report, 2019. Can Commun Dis Rep 2021 47:7786. https://doi.org/10.14745/ccdr.v47i01a11

Keywords: HIV, surveillance, gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men, heterosexual contact, people who inject drugs, perinatal HIV, Canada

Impact On Communities Of Color

HIV/AIDS at 40: What have we learned? | The Stream
  • Racial and ethnic minorities have been disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS since the beginning of the epidemic, and represent the majority of new HIV diagnoses, people living with HIV disease, and deaths among people with HIV.37,38
  • Black and Latino people account for a disproportionate share of new HIV diagnoses, relative to their size in the U.S. population .39,40 Black people also account for more people living with HIV than any other racial group â an estimated 479,300 of the 1.2 million people living with HIV in the U.S. are black.41
  • Black people also have the highest rate of new HIV diagnoses, followed by Latino people â in 2019, the rate of new HIV diagnoses per 100,000 for Black people was about 8 times that of white people Latino people had a rate 4 times that of white people.42
  • Black people accounted for close to half of deaths among people with an HIV diagnosis in 2019.43,44
  • Survival after an AIDS diagnosis is lower for Black people than for most other racial/ethnic groups, and Black people have had the highest age-adjusted death rate due to HIV disease throughout most of the epidemic.45 HIV ranks higher as a cause of death for Black and Latino people, compared with White people.46 Further, HIV was the 6th leading cause of death for Black people ages 25-34 in 2019.47

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Targets To Reduce Deaths Likely To Be Missed

In 2016, UN member states endorsed the goal of cutting deaths from HIV/AIDS by 50 per cent by 2020, to less than 500,000 per year. Six months before this deadline, countries are far from achieving this target. AIDS-related deaths have reduced by only 30,000 in 12 months, down to 770,000 in 2018 this compares to 800,000 people dying in 2017 and 840,000 deaths in 2016. With these figures, mortality reduction is stagnating.

UN member states also agreed to UNAIDSs 90-90-90 targets where 90 per cent of people living with HIV know their status, 90 per cent of HIV positive people are on antiretroviral treatment, and 90 per cent of people on treatment have an undetectable viral load.

Earlier this year, MSF and the South African Department of Health demonstrated that it is possible to achieve the 90-90-90 targets and a possible reduction of HIV incidence in Eshowe, KwaZulu Natal province in South Africa, with intensive community-based services linked to primary care facilities supported by training, mentoring and monitoring.

Governments, ministries of health, international agencies, donors and partner organisations must step up efforts and focus to reduce the mortality of people living with HIV, with specific enhanced attention towards preventing, detecting and treating advanced HIV and AIDS.

The Global Hiv/aids Epidemic

HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is one of the worlds most serious public health challenges. But there is a global commitment to stopping new HIV infections and ensuring that everyone with HIV has access to HIV treatment.

According to UNAIDS:

Number of People with HIVThere were approximately 37.7 million people across the globe with HIV in 2020. Of these, 36 million were adults and 1.7 million were children aged 0-14 years. More than half were women and girls.

New HIV InfectionsAn estimated 1.5 million individuals worldwide acquired HIV in 2020, marking a 31% decline in new HIV infections since 2010. Of these new HIV infections:

  • 1.3 million were individuals ages 15+
  • 160,000 were among children aged 0-14 years

HIV TestingApproximately 84% of people with HIV globally knew their HIV status in 2020. The remaining 16% still need access to HIV testing services. HIV testing is an essential gateway to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services.

HIV Treatment AccessAs of June 2020, 28.2 million people with HIV were accessing antiretroviral therapy globally. That means 9.5 million people are still waiting. HIV treatment access is key to the global effort to end AIDS as a public health threat. People with HIV who take HIV medicine as prescribed and get and keep an undetectable viral load can live long and healthy lives and will not transmit HIV to their HIV-negative partners through sex.

  • 84% knew their HIV status
  • 73% were accessing ART
  • 66% were virally suppressed

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