Saturday, July 27, 2024

Can You Get Hiv Through Anal Sex

What We Know About Kissing

Can You Get an STD From Receiving a BJ ? ðð?

Theres no chance of getting HIV from closed-mouth or social kissing, and you cant get HIV through saliva. In some very rare cases, people have gotten HIV from deep, open-mouth French kissing because they and their partners had blood in their mouths from bleeding gums or sores . But the chance of getting HIV from deep, open-mouth kissing is much lower than from most other sexual activities.

You Took Pep Afterward

If you started it in the first 72 hours after the experience and continued to take it as directed, your chances of contracting HIV are slim.

How likely is this generally?

Even just the tip can expose you to HIV. It may not be as risky as, say, full-on anal or vaginal penetration with ejaculation, but its still risky.

Opt for oral for lower risk pleasure or use a condom.

More On Safer Sex At Thebodycom

To find out more about safer sex, we recommend the following articles:

  • Getting to the Bottom of It: Anal Sex, Rectal Fluid and HIV Transmission
  • HIV Transmission Risk

In addition, our Q& A experts sometimes address questions about safer sex in our “Ask the Experts” forums. Here are some of those questions and our experts’ responses:

  • Can you get HIV if you had unprotected sex without any semen coming outMe and my friend were just fooling around and we had unprotected sex. No semen entered either of our bodies as we both ejaculated on the floor.

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Hiv Risk With Sharing Of Needle One Single Time

Sharing a needle one single time with an HIV infected drug user can carry an HIV risk of 63 in 10,000 or 0.63 percent, which can also be stated as 1 in 149. Certain estimates, however, put the risk as high as 2.4%.

Whenever a syringe is used to inject a drug into the vein, a small amount of blood is initially pulled into the syringe to confirm that the needle is in the vein.

Now, when the same needle is used by another individual, the blood from the previous HIV positive person that has stayed in the needle can get injected into the blood stream of the HIV negative person.

HIV does not generally survive well outside the body, but it can survive for long periods of time in an airtight syringe.

Besides the intravenous injection route, the risk exists even if the injection is given by the intramuscular route or the subcutaneous route.

How To Have Anal Sex

Myths about HIV and AIDS


  • Many people enjoy anal sex straight, gay and bisexual.
  • Having unprotected anal sex puts you at higher risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections than other sex acts. Using a condom correctly protects you and your partner.
  • The anus is not self-lubricating, so you need to use lots of lubricant. Only use water-based lubricants that are specially designed for sex, oil-based lubricants can cause condoms to break.
  • If you move on to oral or vaginal sex straight after anal sex use a new condom to avoid cross infection.
  • Where it is available, pre-exposure prophylaxis can be taken to prevent HIV infection.

Anal sex is any type of sexual activity that involves the anal area. Whether you are thinking of having anal sex for the first time, or you just want more information on how to stay safe and enjoy it, this page will help answer your questions.

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Is There More Risk Of Contracting Hiv During Anal Sex

The human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, is a virus that attacks a specific type of white blood cell in your immune system. By targeting CD4 cells or helper T cells, HIV can make it difficult for your immune system to coordinate a response. Through this mechanism, the virus renders your body more prone to disease and infection.

How You Become Infected

There is HIV virus in body fluids like vaginal secretions and semen. If those fluids are present, they can enter the bloodstream of someone who doesn’t have HIV through an opening such as a mouth sore or a genital ulcer.

Your chances are higher of getting HIV if you:

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What Is The Risk Of Hiv From Anal Sex

The risk of HIV through unprotected anal intercourse is seen to be extremely high, as much 18 times greater than vaginal intercourse. The reasons for the increased risk are well known and include such factors as:

  • The fragility of rectal tissues, which allow the virus direct access into the bloodstream through tiny tears or abrasions
  • The porousness of rectal tissues, providing access even when undamaged
  • The high concentration of HIV in semen and pre-seminal fluid , which doubles the risk of infection with every one-log rise in the person’s viral load.

Furthermore, the secretion of blood from damaged rectal tissues can increase the risk for the insertive partner, providing the virus a route of transmission through the urethra and tissues that line the head of the penis .

How Is Hiv Transmitted Through Needles

Can weekly contact with one partner without protection lead to HIV? – Dr. Ramakrishna Prasad

HIV isnt transmitted only through sexual contact. Sharing needles also puts a person at higher risk of contracting HIV.

When a needle is injected into a persons body, it breaks the skin barrier. If the needle has already been injected into another person, it can carry traces of their blood, along with any infections they have. The contaminated needle can introduce these infections into the second persons body.

Researchers dont know if having an undetectable viral load reduces the risk of HIV transmission through shared needles, but its reasonable to assume it may provide some risk reduction.

HIV can affect anyone. Whatever their age, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, or race, everyone should take steps to protect themselves. But due to socioeconomic factors, some demographic groups have higher HIV transmission rates and generally are more affected by HIV.

According to the CDC , the general demographic traits most affected by HIV are:

Transgender women are also highly impacted by HIV transmissions as a population, reports the CDC .

These groups are disproportionately affected by HIV, but they arent inherently at greater risk of contracting HIV. An individuals personal risk depends on their behaviors, not on their age, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, race, or any other demographic factor.

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What We Know About Injecting Silicone

Silicone injections can be done safely by a health care provider, but sometimes people inject silicone with friends or acquaintances at parties. Theres a chance that someone can get or transmit HIV if an HIV-negative person uses needles, syringes, and other injection equipment after someone with HIV has used them. This is because the needle, syringe, or other injection equipment may have blood in them, and blood can carry HIV. Likewise, youre at risk for getting or transmitting hepatitis B and C if you share needles, syringes, or other injection equipment because these infections are also transmitted through blood.

More information:More information:

More information: Hepatitis B and C are viruses that infect the liver. Many people with hepatitis B or C dont know they have it because they dont feel sick. Even if you dont feel sick, you can transmit the virus to others. The only way to know for sure if you have hepatitis B or C is to get tested. Your health care provider will recommend a hepatitis B or C test if you have risk factors for these infections, such as injection drug use. If you dont have a health care provider, click here to find contact information for your local health department.

If a person with HIV takes their HIV medicine as prescribed and gets and keeps an undetectable viral load , their chance of transmitting HIV through sharing needles, syringes, or other drug injection equipment is reduced.

More information

Explore other resources from CDC:

Anal Intercourse Between Men And Women

Anal intercourse between men and women has generally not received as much attention as anal intercourse between men. However, there is evidence that anal sex is practised by large numbers of sexually active adults. In 2010, 11% of women and 13% of men in the United Kingdom report having anal intercourse in the past year, with younger generations being more likely to report it .

Unprotected heterosexual anal sex probably plays an important role in HIV transmission among heterosexuals, although reliable estimates are lacking .

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Hiv Transmission Risks From Anal Fingering

Dear Alice,

Can you contract HIV from anal fingering your partner if you had cuts/scratches on your fingers?

Dear Reader,

  • Clip and file fingernails very short.
  • Wear latex or nitrile gloves, clip your nails, and wash and dry your hands before donning the gloves.
  • Use plenty of water-based lubricant to prevent friction and tearing of the tissue. Some lubes are designed especially for anal play.
  • If you like to keep you finger nails long, wear latex gloves and use cotton balls at the tips.
  • Scrapes on your hands are not as concerning, but an open cut on your finger can definitely increase the chance of transmission of HIV or of some other STI. Consider waiting until it heals if there is any chance that either your partner or you have HIV.
  • Go slowly and start small. The anus and the rectum need to relax before you can properly enjoy anal play. Follow the lead of your partner and stop if it hurts.

For more information about HIV/AIDS or other STIs, visit the Sexual Transmitted Infections section of the Go Ask Alice! archives.

Bottoms up,

How Is Hiv Spread From Person To Person

HIV transmission through breastfeeding can be averted with ...

HIV can only be spread through specific activities. In the United States, the most common ways are:

  • Having vaginal or anal sex with someone who has HIV without using a condom or taking medicines to prevent or treat HIV. Anal sex is riskier than vaginal sex.
  • Sharing injection drug equipment , such as needles, with someone who has HIV.

Less common ways are:

  • From mother to child during pregnancy, birth, or breastfeeding. However, the use of HIV medicines and other strategies have helped lower the risk of mother-to-child transmission of HIV to 1% or less in the United States.
  • Getting stuck with an HIV-contaminated needle or other sharp object. This is a risk mainly for health care workers. The risk is very low.

HIV is spread only in extremely rare cases by:

  • Having oral sex. But in general, the chance that an HIV-negative person will get HIV from oral sex with an HIV-positive partner is extremely low.

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Hiv Risk From A Single Blood Transfusion

Because of careful donor selection criteria, HIV risk from a single blood transfusion has very much reduced due to strict screening measures.

HIV seroprevalence in blood donors is less than 2 percent of the adult American population because of strict screening measures.

Despite this, HIV transmission may still occur due to three reasons:

Blood may be collected during the window period of infection, when the donor is infectious but has not yet developed positive result on the HIV laboratory tests.

Infection with variant strains of HIV that may not be detected by regular screening tests.

However, according to CDC,

the risk of HIV transmission by transfusion was low, even before screening, and has been virtually eliminated by the routine screening of donated blood and plasma.

But, in case HIV positive blood is given to an HIV negative individual, the risk of HIV infection with a single transfusion exceeds that of any other risk. More than ninety percent of recipients transfused with HIV positive blood are found to be infected with the virus.

No 5 Having Vaginal Sex : 1 In 2500

A woman who is HIV positive can transmit the virus to her male partner through vaginal fluid and blood, which may pass through the urethra , the foreskin , or any open sores on the penis.

  • Reduce the risk. Using a condom and water- or silicone-based lubricants, which can help lessen the chance that condoms will break or slip can help reduce a mans risk of getting HIV from an HIV-positive partner. Female condoms, which are made of a synthetic latex called nitrile and fit into the vagina during sex, are as protective as male condoms.

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No 1 Sharing A Needle: 1 In 159

About 6 percent of the HIV diagnoses in 2015 can be attributed to the use of injection drugs, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . The reason is that needles, syringes, and other equipment can contain blood, and therefore HIV, which can then be directly transmitted into the bloodstream. Under the right environmental circumstances, the virus can survive in a used needle for up to 42 days, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. In addition, using drugs can lower peoples inhibitions, making them less likely to use a condom during sex or to take preventive HIV medications, further increasing their risk.

    • Reduce the risk. Although the number of HIV diagnoses among people who inject drugs has declined by 48 percent from 2008 to 2014, according to the CDC, experts worry that the rising opioid epidemic is putting new people at risk for getting the virus. To find substance abuse help, call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrations national helpline at 1-800-662-HELP or visit its website,, for a list of treatment facilities near you.
    • Reduce the risk. People who inject drugs can help lower their risk of exposure to HIV by using a sterile needle and syringe for each injection sterile needles can be obtained without a prescription at pharmacies and through syringe services programs at state or local health departments.

How Do I Stimulate A Man’s Prostate Gland

How do you get HIV?

Many men have nerve endings in their prostate as well as their anus, and they often enjoy having these stimulated. The prostate is between the bladder and the penis and can be stimulated with a finger or sex toy in the anus. However, there are lots of blood vessels in and around the prostate and it can get bruised if handled roughly, so treat it gently and use lots of lube.

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What Makes Hiv Transmission Risk Higher With Anal Sex

While the risk of HIV transmission varies according to sexual activity, unprotected anal intercourse, or the insertion of the penis into the anus, carries the highest risk, especially without the use of condoms. During anal sex, the person with the penis is called the insertive partner, and the person receiving the penis is called the receptive partner.

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A study by the CDC found that out of 10,000 cases of HIV, 138 of them contracted the virus through being the receptive partner in penile-anal sex, as opposed to the eight people who contracted the virus through being the receptive partner in penile-vaginal intercourse . The high risk has to do with the thinness of the rectum lining. Thus, its important to note this is the anatomy of anyone with a rectum lining, not just MSM. The rectum is lined with a single layer of columnar mucosal epithelium, which is prone to tearing from repeated movement. Wounds allow the virus to enter directly into the bloodstream. As part of the gastrointestinal tract, the rectum houses a majority of lymphocytes that HIV targets, such as CD4 immune cells .

Against All Odds: What Are Your Chances Of Getting Hiv In These Scenarios

Playing the HIV numbers game is lessand morerisky than you think.

EDITORS NOTE: Although the underlying ideas and messages in this article remain relevant, much HIV prevention research has been published since 2014, notably about there being effectively no risk of transmitting the virus if you are HIV positive and undetectable , as well as the effectiveness of pre-exposure prophylaxis . Go to #Prevention, #Undetectable, #TasP and #PrEP for the latest related updates.

Liz Defrain

Theres not a lot of certainty in these numbers. But they can be a good tool for understanding risk.

During sex, our risk perception is replaced by love, lust, trust and intimacy.

Liz Defrain

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Interpreting The Numberswhat Additional Information Needs To Be Provided

Some clients may see these numbers and think their risk of HIV transmission is low. Therefore, caution is needed when interpreting them. If these numbers are provided to clients, they should be accompanied by information that helps shed light on why the risk may be higher than it seems.

Transmission can occur after one exposure.

It is important to emphasize that a person could become infected from having unprotected sex once or a person could have unprotected sex many times and not become infected, regardless of how low or high the risk per exposure is.

A risk of 1% would mean that an average of one infection would occur if 100 HIV-negative people were exposed to HIV through a certain type of sex. It does not mean that a person needs to be exposed 100 times for HIV infection to occur.

These are estimates of average risk in the absence of biological factors that increase risk.

The numbers in the table above are rough estimates. They are averages and do not represent the risk from all exposures to HIV through a certain type of sex.

The risk of HIV transmission may be much higher than these averages if biological risk factors are present. For example, research shows that STIs and some vaginal conditions, such as bacterial vaginosis, can increase the risk of HIV transmission by up to 8 times.6,7,8 As a result, the risk of an HIV-negative woman becoming infected through unprotected receptive vaginal sex could be closer to 1% if she has a vaginal STI.

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