Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Find Out If I Have Hiv

How Long Does It Take To Show Symptoms Of Hiv

how to tell your partner you have hiv // hiv & dating

Some people notice flu-like symptoms 1-4 weeks after they’re first infected. They often only last a week or two. This stage is called acute or primary HIV infection.

Then, you may go for 10 years or more without further symptoms. This is called asymptomatic HIV infection. Even though you feel fine, the virus is still active in your body. And you can still give it to someone else.

Once HIV has seriously harmed your immune system, you’re at risk for diseases that a healthy body could fight off. In this stage, symptomatic HIV infection, you start to notice problems caused by those “opportunistic” infections.

More On Hiv Testing At Thebodycom

To find out more about HIV testing, we recommend the following articles:

  • Basic Questions and Answers About HIV Testing

In addition, our Q& A experts sometimes address questions about blood donations in our “Ask the Experts” forums. Here are some of those questions and our experts’ responses:

  • Blood Donation NotificationHow long would it take for a blood bank to notify someone if there was something wrong with donated blood?
  • My sister recently tried to donate blood and was denied. She received a letter stating that she was HIV positive. How accurate are the tests that the Red Cross performs? She is getting an HIV test but I would like to know what the accuracy is of their testing is.

Numbers To Call For More Information

How can I obtain additional information on HIV Reporting and Partner Notification?

The following numbers can be used to obtain more information:

  • HIV Reporting/Surveillance Questions
  • Bureau of HIV/AIDS Epidemiology 518-474-4284
  • Partner Notification Questions
  • Accessing PNAP 1-800-541-AIDS
  • Accessing CNAP 212-693-1419
  • How Partner Notification Assistance will work
  • Bureau of Sexually Transmitted Disease Control – Lynn Hoback 518-474-3598
  • Domestic Violence Screening Questions
  • Domestic Violence Referrals & Services 1-800-942-6906
  • 1-800-810-7444
  • Questions re: the Domestic Violence Screening Protocol
  • Bureau of Direct Program Operations – Mara SanAntonio-Gaddy 518-474-3671
  • HIV Educational Materials/Training Sessions
  • HIV Education and Training Section, AIDS Institute 518-474-9866
  • Counseling & Testing
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    When To Contact A Doctor

    Anyone who is showing symptoms of HIV should contact a doctor as soon as possible. This is especially important if the individual has recently had sexual contact with someone else or shared a needle with someone else.

    HIV can remain asymptomatic for a long time. For this reason, anyone who has recently had unprotected sex and is concerned about exposure to HIV should contact a doctor as soon as they can, even if they do not have any symptoms. The same goes for anyone who has recently shared a needle.

    It can be difficult to discuss the possibility of having HIV. However, without proper treatment, HIV can be life threatening. In these situations, it is very important for people to put their long-term health first and to discuss the matter with a doctor.

    Tests For Hiv And Aids

    Do I Have HIV? At Home HIV Test

    Blood tests are the most common way to diagnose the human immunodeficiency virus , the virus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome . These tests look for antibodies to the virus that are present in the blood of infected individuals. People exposed to the virus should get tested immediately.

    Early testing is crucial with HIV. If you test positive for the virus, you and your doctor can develop a treatment plan to help fight HIV and ward off complications. Early testing also can alert you to avoid high-risk behavior that could spread the virus to others.

    Because it can take from six weeks to six months to develop antibodies to the virus, follow-up tests may be needed. Your doctor will ask about your symptoms, medical history and risk factors and perform a physical examination.

    The primary tests for diagnosing HIV and AIDs include:

    UCSF Health medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.

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    Find Your Support Network

    The newly diagnosed group I went to in 2008 about 18 months after my diagnosis changed the way I thought about living with HIV. It gave me so much more confidence and suddenly I didnt feel quite so alone. I also found my support network through volunteering with various HIV charities, including Terrence Higgins Trust.

    Remember support can come in lots of different forms: formal structured support through your HIV clinic or an HIV charity like those listed below or it could be informal support from your friends. Take time to find out whats available and whats going to work for you.

    Receiving an HIV-positive diagnosis can feel very isolating, but it shouldnt have to be like that there are people out there who will have gone through similar things and can help you get through it.

    As people living with HIV, we strive to support each other. I volunteer as a peer mentor for Positively UKs Project 100, which aims to ensure 100 percent of people living with HIV across the UK have access to high quality peer support.

    How Do The Tests Work

    Most HIV tests use a blood sample, either from a blood draw or finger prick. Others use saliva , but this is a little less accurate than blood tests.

    Some HIV tests look for the virus itself. But most look for the antibodies for HIV. Antibodies are part of the immune system and fight infections. When someone is infected with HIV, the body creates antibodies to fight HIV.

    Testing results may be available that day or can take longer come back.

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    After Testing Positive For Hiv How Soon Do People Start Taking Hiv Medicines

    People with HIV should start taking HIV medicines as soon as possible after their HIV is diagnosed. However, before starting treatment, people with HIV must be prepared to take HIV medicines every day for the rest of their lives.

    Issues, such as lack of health insurance or an inability to pay for HIV medicines, can make it hard to take HIV medicines consistently. Health care providers can recommend resources to help people deal with any issues before they start taking HIV medicines.

    Why Should Someone Get Tested For Hiv

    Do I Have HIV? At Home HIV Test

    If someone is infected with HIV, it’s important to know because:

    • Starting medicines right away can keep a person stay healthy for a long time.
    • There are ways to stop the spread of HIV to others, such as using a condom and taking medicines.
    • A pregnant woman who is infected can get treatment to try to prevent passing HIV to her baby.

    Another reason to get tested is peace of mind: A negative test result can be a big relief for someone who is worried about being infected.

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    How Common Is Hiv

    At the end of 2017, there were an estimated 5099 people in Scotland living with HIV. The majority got the virus through sex.

    Around 1 in every 1087 people in the Scotland has HIV, but the three groups with highest rates of HIV are:

    • gay and bisexual men or other men who have sex with men
    • people from countries with high HIV prevalence, especially sub Saharan African countries
    • people who share injecting equipment or who have sex with people who inject drugs

    The World Health Organisation estimates that around 36.9 million people in the world are living with HIV.

    Questions To Ask Your Doctor

    • Is there any sure way to avoid acquiring HIV?
    • What is the best treatment for me?
    • How can I avoid getting any infections that will make me very sick?
    • How can I find support groups in my community?
    • What diagnostic tests will you run?
    • How often will I need to see my doctor?
    • Will there be any side effects to my treatment?
    • How does this affect my plans for having a family?
    • Is it safe for me to breastfeed my baby?
    • Will using a condom keep my sex partners from acquiring HIV?
    • Should I follow a special diet?

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    What Kind Of Hiv Tests Are There

    Rapid HIV tests give you results in about 20 minutes. Other tests take longer because they need to be sent out to a lab. HIV tests are usually painless you just gently rub the inside of your cheek with a soft swab. Sometimes youll give a blood sample for testing.

    You can test yourself for HIV using an at-home HIV testing kit. With the OraQuick In-Home HIV Test, you swab your gums and test the sample yourself. You get results in 20 minutes. With the Home Access HIV-1 Test, you prick your finger to get a small amount of blood. You mail your blood sample to a lab, and get your results in about a week. At-home tests are totally anonymous you’re the only person who will know the results. And both types of tests help connect you with counselors who can give you support and advice about treatment if you test positive.

    If a rapid HIV test at a clinic or a home test shows that you have HIV, get a follow-up test to make sure the results are correct.

    What Are The Signs Of An Hiv Infection

    All You Need to Know About HIV Testing

    Fever is usually the first sign of an HIV infection. Many people also experience other flu-like symptoms as the disease manifests itself two to four weeks after exposure. This early, acute phase of HIV can last up to several weeks. Some of the other possible signs of the infection include:

    • Chills
    • Swollen lymph nodes
    • Weight loss

    Knowing you have HIV is almost impossible without a test. Thats because the disease can masquerade as other illnesses and sometimes may not have symptoms at all at first. At least 13% of people with HIV dont even know they have the virus. This makes it much more likely that they will spread the disease to others. If youve had unprotected sex recently, the only way to know if you have HIV is to get tested.

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    What Does A Positive Hiv Test Result Mean

    If you have a positive HIV test result, a follow-up test will be conducted. If the follow-up test is also positive, it means you are HIV-positive.

    If you had a rapid screening test, the testing site will arrange a follow-up test to make sure the screening test result was correct. If you used a self-testing kit at home, a positive HIV test result must always be confirmed by additional HIV testing performed in a health care setting. If your blood was tested in a lab, the lab will conduct a follow-up test on the same sample.

    If your follow-up test result confirms you are infected with HIV, the next thing is to take steps to protect your health and prevent transmission to others. Begin by talking to your health care provider about antiretroviral therapy . ART is the use of HIV medicines to treat HIV infection. People on ART take a combination of HIV medicines every day. ART can keep you healthy for many years and greatly reduces your chance of transmitting HIV to your sex partner if taken the right way, every day. Your health care provider will help you decide what HIV medicines to take.

    If you have health insurance, your insurer is required to cover some medicines used to treat HIV. If you dont have health insurance, or you need help because your insurance doesnt pay for the treatment you need, there are Federal resources that may help you.

    To lower your risk of transmitting HIV,

    Hiv Pre Exposure Prophylaxis

    If you think you may come into contact with HIV, taking anti-HIV medication beforehand will stop you becoming infected.

    For it to be effective¸ the medication, called pre-exposure prophylaxis or PrEP, can be taken in 2 ways:

    • taken regularly
    • taken when you know in advance that you’ll be having sex

    This second method of taking the medication only when needed means taking two tablets 24 hours before sex, one tablet 24 hours after sex and another tablet 48 hours after sex.

    If you take PrEP as recommended, it will protect you from HIV. If you take it incorrectly it may not work.

    Although PrEP is effective in protecting you from HIV, it will not protect you from other STI’s like condoms would. If you’re taking PrEP via NHS Scotland, you need to have an HIV and STI test every three months.

    You can ask about whether PrEP is right for you at sexual health clinics.

    Want to know more?

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    During A Persons First Visit With A Health Care Provider Is There Time To Ask Questions

    Yes, an initial visit with a health care provider is a good time to ask questions. The following are some questions that people with newly diagnosed HIV typically ask:

    • Because I have HIV, will I eventually get AIDS?
    • What can I do to stay healthy and avoid getting other infections?
    • How can I prevent passing HIV to others?
    • How will HIV treatment affect my lifestyle?
    • How should I tell my partner that I have HIV?
    • Is there any reason to tell my employer and those I work with that I have HIV?
    • Are there support groups for people with HIV?
    • Are there resources available to help me pay for my HIV medicines?

    Where Can You Find Support As You Manage A Long

    How Did I Get HIV? | Queer 101 | The Advocate

    Being diagnosed with HIV can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression, as it can be very difficult news to take in. There is still a lot of shame and stigma surrounding HIV. Stereotypes from the 1980s about HIV and AIDS being a death sentence often prevent people from getting tested our of fear. Depression is actually twice as common in people with HIV however, help is available and you don’t have to face this by yourself.

    Counselling and psychotherapy can help you to understand underlying issues and make longer-term changes to shift your perspective on life. Your GP will be able to help you find a trained counsellor or psychologist to talk to. You may also benefit from antidepressants or anti-anxiety medication, which your doctor can prescribe.

    Alternatively, there are specialist helplines designed to help people with HIV.

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    Can You Still Live A Healthy Life With Hiv

    Thanks to advances in research and medicine, medication is available that allows you to manage an HIV diagnosis on a daily basis.

    “Antiretroviral medicines come in the form of daily tablets that work by stopping the virus from replicating inside your body. This allows your immune system to repair itself and prevent further damage. That said, HIV can easily become resistant to a single form of medication, which is why most HIV-positive people take a combination of medications,” says Dr Dutt.

    Without treatment, your immune system can become extremely damaged. This makes you more susceptible to life-threatening illnesses, such as cancer and other severe infections.

    “However, someone with HIV who is taking effective treatment can definitely live a healthy life,” Dr Dutt says.

    “The goal of medication is to get the level of the virus in your body so low that it’s undetectable by a test. With effective treatment, you will also significantly reduce your risk of passing HIV on to others.”

    In fact, if your virus levels are undetectable on treatment, there is no risk of passing on the virus through sex – as the undetectable = untransmittable campaign has sought to highlight.

    HIV is a long-term illness and it can affect your life. Dr Dutt explains how those with HIV cannot donate blood or organs, join the armed forces, or visit certain countries. You may also struggle getting life insurance to cover a mortgage loan .

    What Do The Results Mean

    If your result is negative, it can mean you don’t have HIV. A negative result may also mean you have HIV but it’s too soon to tell. It can take a few weeks for HIV antibodies and antigens to show up in your body. If your result is negative, your health care provider may order additional HIV tests at a later date.

    If your result is positive, you will get a follow-up test to confirm the diagnosis. If both tests are positive, it means you have HIV. It does not mean you have AIDS. While there is no cure for HIV, the disease can be effectively controlled with medicine. The medicine used to treat HIV is called antiretroviral therapy . ART can significantly reduce the amount of HIV in the blood. People with HIV who take ART before the disease gets too advanced can live long, healthy lives. If you are living with HIV, it’s important to see your health care provider regularly.

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    What Is The Testing Process Like

    You can get tested for HIV at your GP surgery, clinics run by charities such as the Terrence Higgins Trust and sexual health clinics too.

    You can also do home tests which are discreet and easy to use.

    Many clinics offer finger-prick blood tests, but home testing kits vary. You may be directed to take a swab from your vagina or throat, give a urine sample, or give a finger-prick blood sample.

    Dr Dutt assures that none of the tests should hurt and they should not take long to carry out. They can be done privately in your home or with a professional, depending on what’s comfortable for you.

    Depending on the type of test, results can take a few minutes, or a few days to come back. If your first test is positive, a second blood test will need to be carried out to confirm the result.

    If your test comes back positive, you’ll be referred to a specialist HIV clinic for some more tests and a discussion about your treatment options.

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